News for 8/8/18

Back to School! Pool Party and Open Houses

Welcome Back Longhorns!

TRHS StuCo is hosting a Back to School Pool Party at the Kensington Pool for all High School students on Wednesday, August 15. Food is provided at 7:00pm with swimming to follow from 7:30 - 9:30pm. This is a high schoolers only event.

There will be Open House for the new 4th graders at the TRMS in Agra from 5:30-7:00pm. Bring your school supplies to put in your desk and items for your locker too. Also, Open House for K-3rd at the TRES in Kensington from 5:00-6:00pm. Students may bring school supplies with them and parents are encouraged to sign up to be a room parent for on of the classroom parties for the year.

Junior High sports practices begin Monday, August 13th. Volleyball will be at 3:30pm in the middle school gym, Football meets at the football field.

The first day of school for all TR students is a full day Thursday, August 16th.

American Legion

Friday Night Menu, August 10th, serving from 6:00-8:30pm.

This week at the American Legion we will be serving porcupine meatballs, creamed potatoes and peas, & squash casserole. Our dessert will be better than anything cake. We will also have our regular menu items. Please give us a call so we can make your supper to go or to reserve a table for you and your friends. 785.476.3204

Hunter Education

On August 25th, from 8:00am to 3:00pm, Jamie Reneberg will be offering Hunter ED at the 1st St John Lutheran Church in Kensington. Must be 11 years or older to take the course. Go to to register. Must register and take the online course before August 25. Call Jamie Reneberg with any questions at 785-476-5383.

Steering Committee Back to School Bash!

The annual Back to School Bash hosted by the TR Steering Committee is scheduled for Sunday, August 26th at the American Legion in Kensington from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Plan to attend for a great meal and order your Longhorn gear for the new year!

School Supply Drive

The Kensington Community/School Library would like to ask for your help and encourage school supply donations from the community. We have supply lists on hand to assist you with purchasing. Your donations can be delivered to the library and we will take care of distributing them to the Thunder Ridge classrooms. Certain items that are always in need include: Kleenex, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes (Clorox or Lysol), crayons and pencils. Your small contributions can make a huge difference and will be greatly appreciated.



285 student leaders from across the state of Kansas gathered at Rock Springs 4-H Center, Junction City, July 23-27, for a “SUPERFANTASTIC” session of KAY (Kansas Association for Youth) Leadership Camp. The KAY program is a character-building, leadership-training, service organization directed by the Kansas State High School Activities Association and is designed for all students in grades 6-12.

KAY is a nationally acclaimed organization unique to Kansas which provides Kansas students an opportunity to assume their citizenship responsibilities and enrich their personalities through well-organized programs. These programs educate and inspire the members into carefully planned service projects which emphasize four areas: school, community, nation and world.

At KAY Leadership Camp (KLC), student leaders representing their KAY organizations, receive organizational and leadership training and learn about new and exciting service projects. They are given the opportunity to meet and share ideas with hundreds of KAY members from all over the state. Activities during the week include team and mascot meetings, leadership labs, special interest options, creative projects, housing service projects, and recreational activities. Each evening includes a special activity for campers and staff.

The camp theme this summer was “BUILDING DREAMS”! At KLC, campers were provided a memorable time as they discovered the potential they have to make a difference as well as the rewards in serving others. Student campers have the opportunity to develop lifetime leadership skills, lasting friendships across the state, a sense of responsibility and pride as they serve, and an attitude of doing for others because it’s the right thing to do!

A great deal of spirit, motivation and enthusiasm was generated from this time together. Campers return to their clubs with a better understanding of their individual potential and the KAY organization. They realize that as an active leader in their club, “YES I CAN” truly make a difference with their “I Get To” attitude.

KAY student leaders from Thunder Ridge High School attending

KAY Leadership Camp this summer were: Raegan Boden and Jaden Boden.

The Club’s sponsors are: Kathi Boden and Robin Billings
