News for 6/5/2019

The church with the tiny house they used to promote the tiny houses of Veterans' Community Project.

Pastor Lorna giving Brandonn Mixon, one of the CEOs of Veterans' Community Project, the church's $25,000 donation.

Donation Given to Veterans' Community Project

Each year, St. John Lutheran Church selects an organization to support as a mission project. A year ago, they selected Veterans' Community Project, from Kansas City as their mission. The church's youth group even worked there last summer and will again in a couple weeks. The church held various fund raisers and collect donations throughout the year. Both the community and church rallied around this amazing cause. This past Sunday, Brandonn Mixon and his wife Alexa, came to Kensington to present a short program and receive the church's donation. Brandonn is the co-founder and Chief Project Officer at Veterans' Community Project. VCP is an privately funded organization that provides all encompassing services from mental health, dental, job skills, life skills, bus passes, to transitional housing. Their philosophy is to not leave anyone behind. ALL veterans receive assistance.

The American Legion Post 166 partnered with St. John to present an American flag to Brandonn as well. This community has a strong heritage of patriotism, and it was apparent Sunday when several veterans help present the flag.

Sam Rice, Steve Rice, Brandon Mixon, Don Suchsland, and Wes Direcks present an American flag to Brandonn to be flown at VCP.

Kansas Lions Band

Recently the Kensington Lions Club made it possible for five Thunder Ridge students to attend Kansas Lions Band Camp, May 28-June 1, at Baker University in Baldwin City. Jacob Barnes, Mark and Paul Ferguson, Abigail Hardacre and Alexis Holling had a busy week full of band practice and participation. There were 205 students representing 97 different schools in Kansas. Saturday morning, June 1st, this outstanding group of talented youth provided one amazing concert for their audience of parents, family, music lovers, and Lions members.

Kensington Community/School Library

*Now looking for a new member to join our library board. If you love our library and would be interested in sharing your input for future improvements/activities, please contact Erica Barnes at the library.

Dear Parents: Please plan for your child or children to attend our Summer Reading Programs at the Kensington Community/School Library. We will be exploring outer space and things out-of-this-world with “A Universe of Stories!” every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of June and the first two weeks in July. Stop by the library to sign your children up and get a copy of the calendar for our reading program this summer. It’s not too late to call the library at 785-476-2219 and sign your child up.

Summer Hours: Mondays from 2-8pm, Tuesday through Saturday 9am-2pm.

Kensington American Legion

We are going to forgo a Friday Night special during the summer. We will have our regular menu and will have a special salad (in case you'd rather have that than fries with your sandwich) and a dessert. We will be open from 6-8:30pm and still do take out orders by calling 785-476-3204. Thank you for your support of the Kensington American Legion.


Special Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. Her schedule is changing for summer and she needs to submit the news Sunday night. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color, version visit
