News for 8/9/2023
Dice Run to Kick-off Old Fashioned Weekend
Looking for something to do on a Friday night? Deck out your golf carts and join us for the Dice Run! Registration at 6:30pm, located at the Pro-Ag office on south Main Street. The run will start at 7:00pm with 5 stops, $10 per hand or $25 for 3. There are plenty of great things happening in Kensington August 18th and 19th.
“Let’s Get Groovy” in Kensington!
Make plans to be in Kensington on Saturday, August 19, 2023 for a grooving good time at Old Fashioned Saturday Night. Activities begin at 9:00am with Pasture Golf; $20 per 2-person team. Contact Jeff at 785-476-5185 to register.
Also at 9:00am is a "MAKE & TAKE" Porch Leaners craft at the Legion with Kristen Minkler of The Broken Board. $60 each -- Must pre-register by Aug. 12th. See facebook page for more info.
1:00 pm - YARD OLYMPICS - Cornhole, Ladder Golf, Polish Horseshoes; S20 per 2-person team. Register via Facebook or contact Jordan Dettmer.
3:00 to 4:30 p.m. is FREE SWIM at Kensington Pool. Pool rules still apply - please abide.
4:00 - 8:00 p.m - CAR/TRUCK/BIKE SHOW
Pre-Registration on site at 3:30 p.m.
5:00 - 9:00 p.m. - FREE Inflatables - by rockIT Event Pros.
5:00 p.m. - SAL's Beer Garden Opens
6:00 p.m. - KIDDIE PARADE; 5:30 Registration at City Office. This year's theme "Let's Get Groovy*• FREE - Prizes Will Be Awarded!!
7:00 p.m, - Car Show Awards
7:15 p.m. - ENTERTAINMENT including: Little Girl Dance Camp performance, MS & HS Cheer & Dance Performances, Egg Toss Contest.
9:00 p.m. to Midnight - STREET DANCE with DJ Rockin' Thunder.
Additional Activities and Vendor Booths will be set up too. Kids ages toddler to 12 years are invited to participate in a Rock Hunt: Find a painted rock placed around town on public property, take it to the KCS to redeem for $1.00.
TRHS Cheerleaders will have the Dunk Tank and a 50/50 Raffle will be provided by the Sapphire Dance Team. Lots of great food and great fun to be had in Kensington on Saturday, August 19th.
KAYS Getting Ready for a New Year!
LyNece Stokesbury and Irene Tilton attended the KAY leadership camp at Rock Springs 4H Campground this past July 24-28. This year’s KAY theme is “Leadership Round-Up”, and the girls gathered lots of leadership skills by attending the camp. Both girls are on the KAY Board that help plan the group’s activities throughout the year.
230 student leaders from across the state of Kansas gathered at Rock Springs 4-H Center, Junction City, July 24-28, for a session of KAY (Kansas Association for Youth) Leadership Camp. The Kay program is a character-building, leadership-training, service organization directed by the Kansas State High School Activities Association and is designed for all students in grades 6-12.
KAY is an organization unique to Kansas which provides Kansas students an opportunity to assume their citizenship responsibilities and enrich their personalities through well-organized programs. These programs educate and inspire the members into carefully planned service projects which emphasize four areas: school, community, nation, and world.
At KAY Leadership Camp (KLC), student leaders representing their KAY organizations, receive organizational and leadership training and learn about new and exciting service projects. They are given the opportunity to meet and share ideas with hundreds of KAY members from all over the state. Activities during the week include team and mascot meetings, leadership labs, special interest options, creative projects, housing service projects, and recreational activities. Each evening includes a special activity for campers and staff.
The camp theme this summer was “Leadership Roundup.” At KLC, campers were provided a memorable time as they discovered their potential to make a difference as well as the rewards in serving others. Student campers had the opportunity to develop lifetime leadership skills, make lasting friendships across the state, experience a sense of responsibility and pride as they serve, and develop an attitude of doing for others because it’s the right thing to do!
A great deal of spirit, motivation, and enthusiasm was generated from this time together. Campers return to their clubs with a better understanding of their individual potential and the KAY organization. They realize that as an active leader in their club, they can truly make a difference.
KAY student leaders from Thunder Ridge High School attending KAY Leadership Camp this summer were Irene Tilton and Lynese Stokesbury. The Club’s sponsor is Robin Billings.
Labor Day Reunion at Claudell
The St. Francis Church in Claudell will have the annual/semi- annual reunion on Labor Day. It will be Sunday, September 3, at 4:00pm at the church followed by a potluck at Gaylord Community Center. Fr. Daryl Olmstead has agreed to be the celebrant. Hope you can come and spread the word to former parishioners.
Legion Friday Night
This week at the Kensington American Legion we will feature our short/long horns with dessert for our special. You can make it a "short horn plus" by adding queso cheese to the meal. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen is open from 6-8. You can call 785-476-3204 for us to fix your order to go. Hope to see you Friday evening!