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News for 9/11/2019

Photo by Robin Billings

Smith County Community Foundation helps Thunder Ridge Elementary

Last school year brought many indoor recess days. Between colder weather, snow, and rain, the students at Thunder Ridge Elementary spent many of their recesses indoors. Hoping to help make this year's indoor recesses more fun, organized, and team building, the school applied to Smith County Community Foundation for some help. They requested funds to purchase several indoor games to help the kids enjoy being  inside for recess, make the time more organized, and develop teamwork skills. Having recess in a small area can create some chaos so having these games will really help organize the recess time and offer the opportunity to have kids work together in a structured play time. Some of the games that were purchased are giant dominoes, life size connect four, corn hole, Velcro catch, headbanz, two person football zip catch, Guess Who?,  and beanbag games. Thank you to the Smith County Community Foundation for your continued support of the local school systems of Smith County!

TR Music Booster Club Tailgate

Thunder Ridge music supporters and parents have recently joined together to form a new, Music Booster Club. They served a tailgate meal, asking for free will donations to support the Thunder Ridge music program, at the first home football game of the season Friday night, September 6. Thunder Ridge came out on top over Lakeside, with the game ending at halftime 50-0. The Music Booster Club also worked the concession stand. All the parents and volunteer workers who helped were appreciated. 

Photos by Robin Billings

TR Calendar of Events SEPTEMBER

Wed. 11- 4th Grade Ag Day 9:00am; 9:30am FFA District Land Judging @ Hill City

Thur. 12- Boy Scout Rep to speak with 4/5th boys 8:10am; MS VB/FB @ Agra vs Pike Valley 4:00/6:00pm; FFA Husker Harvest Days @ Grand Island

Fri. 13- 7:00pm HS FB vs Washington @ Kensington

Fri. 13th the TRES will hold Grandparent's Day from 10:30am-12:00pm at the grade school. Grandparents will get to see the classroom, meet the class and eat lunch with their grandchild. What a special day!

Sat. 14- 9:00am HS VB Tournament @ Miltonvale

Tue. 17- Hearing/Vision Screenings @ GS only; 4:00pm HS VB Tri @ Kensington vs St. John’s-Tipton and Pike Valley

Wed. 18- WACKY Day for 6th Grade @ Camp Hansen 9:00am; MS Mid-Terms sent home w/students; 9:30am FFA Area Land Judging @ Colby

Thur. 19- Vision/Hearing screenings @ MS only; MS VB/FB @ Agra vs Lincoln 4:00/6:00pm

Fri. 20- 7:00pm HS FB @ Hill City

Mon. 23- Early Dismissal 2:30pm for Teacher In-Service; No MS practice or TR Academy

Wed. 25- Picture Retakes @ GS 8:00, followed at MS 10:00am

Thur. 26- MS VB/FB @ Tipton 4:00/6:00pm

Fri. 27- 7:00pm HS FB @ Almena (Northern Valley)

Sat. 28- 9:00am HS JV VB Tournament @ Hill City

Mon. 30- 6:00pm JV FB @ Lincoln

Legion to Host Garage Sales

The American Legion has agreed to house garage sales for anyone who wants to have on on September 21. This is Hwy 36 Treasure Hunt weekend so traffic should be great for the sales. The cost is $10 a person having a garage sale. Contact Kim Terrell or Robin Billings if you would like to have one that Saturday.

Mat Makers Will Meet 

The mat makers will meet again September 28, from 9-noon, at the north Lutheran Church in Kensington. Everyone is welcome to see how this process works. Any high school student who needs service hours for resumes, scholarships, or organizations, might come check it out as well. It's a really fun project to get involved with!


Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit

Weekly Inspiration

Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. - Marilyn Monroe

Don't compare your progress with that of others. We all need our own time to travel our own distance. - Unknown

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Learn from it; tomorrow is a new day. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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