News for 9/28/2022

(Left to right) Alycee Valdivia, her daughter Billiejean, Alycee’s aunt Sylvia and uncle Austin DesLauriers; Kristal, Gracie and JR Rice.

Gracie Rice pictured with 1,294 toys, which were donated in loving memory of her mother Angel Rice, co-founder of AKA.
Toy Donation in Loving Memory
JR Rice and daughters, Kristal and Gracie, traveled to Omaha, Ne September 10th to help with a very special toy donation. This donation was made to honor the memory of AKA ~ A Kind Act’s co-founder, Angel Grace Rice, who passed away in July of this year. Angel worked for the regional Red Cross and helped save thousands of lives in Nebraska as part of her legacy. This is why Omaha’s Children’s Hospital and Medical Center is a natural choice as this year’s toy donation beneficiary. Some of Angel’s friends and family members were present for the delivery.
AKA (A Kind Act) is based in Kansas City, MO and has national and international expanse, primarily through word of mouth. It serves to promote kindness and kind acts in our communities and in our world. Alycee started 11 years ago with only 10 toys and a smile. This year's donation included 1,294 toys to Omaha Children’s Hospital.
The K-Town Kates met Monday, September 12, 2022 at the Kensington Community Center at 7:00 for a Wine and Cheese party. Max Dibble from the Phillipsburg Liquor & Wine store kept the members entertained and informed. He offered different samples of red wines and white wines, explained their differences, and where the grapes or fruits are grown and brewed, including some of the many wineries in Kansas. The store carries many of these Kansas made wines in addition to a full selection of others made in the United States and other countries, including special orders. Max’s presentation was much appreciated.
Donna W. opened the K-town Kates meeting. Roll call was answered by 14 members and 2 guests with “what is your favorite month and why.”
Deb B. read the minutes of the previous meetings. Donna J. gave the treasurers report.
A special thanks was extended to the workers at Old Fashioned Saturday night. The consensus is to have a work schedule for next year.
After discussion, Melinda moved and Joyce seconded to give a gift certificate from the Kensington Locker to Max Dibble in appreciation for his presentation.
Georgetta reported that a generous donation was received and that the Athol Lutheran Church members are collecting canned food for the pantry. She reported that 14 thank you notes were sent to those who made donations in the first half of 2022. The additional workers for the October 15th Food Pantry will be Doris and Barb.
The October 10th meeting will be the Pizza Party to begin at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be planning for the 2023 meetings.
Meeting adjourned.
TR Schedule of Events
Wed. 28- WACKY Day 6th Gr @ Camp Hansen; 9:30am FFA Area Land Judging @ Osborne
Thurs. 29- 10:00am Gear up Visit; 3/5pm MS VB & FB @ Miltonvale (S. Cloud); 3:45pm HS XC @ Beloit
Fri. 30- HS FB @ Downs
Sat. 1- HS VB Tournament @ Mankato; Marching Band @ Old Settlers Day Kirwin
Mon. 3- HS FB JV @ Home vs Lakeside
Tue. 4- HS VB Tri @ Sylvan Grove w/Sylvan-Lucas, Southern Cloud
Wed. 5- Pink Out Day for Bullying Prevention
Thur. 6- 4/6pm MS VB & FB @ Home vs Lakeside; 4:30pm HS XC @ Phillipsburg
Fri. 7- HS FB @ Home vs Wheatland/Grinnell w/Senior Class Tailgate
*Fri. 14- END OF 1ST QTR
Activities at Kensington Community/Senior Center
Come join us for coffee every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9:30am. Cards and games are played every Tuesday and Thursday. There is a variety of choices from Bingo, pool, dominoes, and more. We will have a movie on Monday, October 3, at 12:30pm showing “On Golden Pond.” We are planning to have a movie on the first Monday of each month. Also, Angel Care will be at the Center the first Tuesday of each month at 9:30am. They do Blood Pressure checks and share some information with us. Lunch is served daily, Monday through Friday, so please call ahead for reservations. Stop by and pick up a menu and activity calendar.
Our friend Melinda Mazzarella was in town for about 2 weeks this month. She has since returned to Colorado, but plans to visit again in October. We enjoyed her joining us for coffee and activities.
Friday Night @ the Legion
This week at the Kensington American Legion we will be having a special of Salisbury steak, cheesy potatoes, cornbread salad, and a dessert. We will have our regular menu items as well. Our kitchen hours are 6-8 and you can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Hope to see you Friday!
Wing Night at the Legion
Join your family and friends at the Kensington American Legion on Monday nights for wings! There are 7 different sauces to choose from. We have drink specials, too. You are welcome to call your order in at 785-476-3204 and it will be ready for pick up. Come cheer on your favorite teams!
Weekly Inspiration
Just in case no one told you today: You're doing great. I believe in you. You are enough. You can get through anything with enough faith.
News items needed
Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at