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News for 3/37/2024

Cameron Hardacre (8th grader at TRMS) represented Phillips County in the State Spelling Bee this past weekend. It was held in Salina at Kansas Wesleyan University. There were approximately 88 kids participating. 

Mrs. Barnes and her 2nd grade students.

Thunder Ridge Elementary celebrated National Down Syndrome Day (3/21) by wearing crazy socks to show their support of those who have Down Syndrome.

Kindergarten’s crazy socks!

Here are pictures from the TR carnival Friday evening, March 22.

Ruben Steenkamp paints Lola Rahjes’ face.

Addie Molzahn and Kodie Thompson play Connect 4.

Lane and Lakota Porter enjoyed the face painting booth!

Holiday Church Services

The United Church of Kensington will hold Maundy Thursday service at 7:00pm (3/28) and Easter Sunday services at 10:20am (3/31).

The First St. John’s Lutheran Church in Kensington will hold services on Good Friday, March 29, at 9:00am and Easter Sunday, March 31, at 9:30am. *Please note the time change.

Good Friday Worship at St. John, Kensington is at 7:00pm. Easter Sunday: 7:30am Sunrise Service at St. John Cemetery; 8:00am Easter Breakfast at St. John Parish Hall; 9:00am Holy Communion Worship. 

Eggs Needed for Easter Hunt

Friends of the Kensington Community!  It's time to prepare for the annual Easter Egg Hunt!  Please bring your eggs to the Kensington Community Store by noon on Friday, March 29, 2024.  Thank you in advance for making this a great event for our kids!

Kindergarten Round-Up

Thunder Ridge Elementary will hold a Kindergarten round-up on Friday, April 5th, for any children ready to enter kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Must be 5 years old by August 31, 2024. Please call 785-476-3241 by March 22 to reserve your child's spot.

KAYS to Host Blood Drive

The next KAY blood drive is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, at the TRHS. Sign up online or contact sponsor Robin Billings for an appointment. 

TR Schools Schedule of Events


Fri. 29- Good Friday - NO School


Mon. April 1- NO School

Tue. 2- HS Track @ Beloit

Thur. 4- 9:30am MS Track @ Norton


Mon. 8- 6:00pm Mother/KAY Banquet

Tue. 9- HS Track @ Smith Center

Thur. 11- 2:00pm MS Track @ Stockton

Update Addresses for Alumni Invites

Invitations will be mailed out soon for the Annual Alumni Banquet. Please send any updates and address corrections to our alumni board at

 Legion Friday Night

This week at the Kensington American Legion we have our hot beef or hot hamburger as our special. Our soup will be broccoli cheese. We will have our regular menu items as well. Our kitchen is open from 6-8pm and you can call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Hope to see you Friday!


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