News for 3/30/2022
Fish Fry Friday Night It’s no April fools’ joke! The Kensington American Legion is having a FISH FRY this Friday evening, April 1st, from...
News for 3/23/22
60th Anniversary Wishes! A card shower is planned to celebrate the 60th Wedding Anniversary of Shirley (Grauerholz) and Jack Smith. They...
News for 3/16/22
Kensington Lions March 7, the Kensington lions held their monthly meeting. Alan Bates spoke to the club on the topic of Ag. Lions Club...
News for 3/9/2022
TR Youth Basketball Grades 1st through 5th had the opportunity to join the youth basketball teams this winter. Games were played at Rock...
News for 3/2/22
St. John Lutheran helps VCP St. John Lutheran church has once again chosen the Veterans Community Project as their mission project. This...