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Happy Thanksgiving! News for 11/24/21

Thanksgiving Community Meal

Join us at the American Legion in Kensington for a community Thanksgiving dinner. Please bring a side dish. Turkey, veggies and rolls will be provided. Dinner will be served at noon on Thursday, November 25. Everyone welcome!

Hap-Hap-Happiest Christmas

Sunday, November 28, join us in Kensington for a free dinner and photo ops with Santa as they do the downtown Christmas lighting. Dinner starts at 5:30, Santa pics at 6:00, Christmas lighting ceremony at 7:00pm. National Lampoons Xmas Costume/Ugly Sweater contest with prizes awarded at 6:45pm. This fun event is hosted by the

Kensington commercial/community club.

Photo by Charlene Smith

Sub-State Game in Kensington

The Sub-State 8 Man District II game was played in Kensington Friday night, November 19 versus Axtell. The Longhorns were named substate runner ups after a heartbreaking loss to the Axtell Eagles 46 to 0. The Longhorns ended their season with an impressive 10-1 record. Congrats on making it to the Sub-State playoff game. We are proud of you.

Thunder Ridge Ballgames & Important Dates

Wed. 24-26: No School – Thanksgiving Break


Thur. 2- MS BB @Agra vs St. John’s-Tipton 4:00pm

Mon. 6- Dismiss @ 2:30pm for Teacher In-Service; No MS BB practice


JS Wagner passed away Friday afternoon, November 19. He had many years dedicated to our local school system and in the community. Coach Joel Wagner stated he was the BIGGEST REMOTE TR FAN they had. Please keep the Wagner family in your prayers. JS’s funeral will be Saturday, November 27, at 10 am at Simmons-Rentschler Funeral home. Burial will be at Fairview in SC.

Karen Pollock passed away in the early morning hours Sunday, November 21. Karen was a wonderful asset and always involved in the Kensington community. She helped each year with the Veterans Day Celebration and the community Thanksgiving dinner. As well as the legion meals every Friday night. Please keep the Pollock family in your prayers.

Shoe Box Time

Operation Christmas Child has been a special project for the kids at St John Lutheran Church for many years. This project gives the kids the opportunity to fill shoe boxes with health items and other gifts for children around the world.

Salina was the closest drop off for many years. Then Kearney became a drop off point. Now, for the past few years, Phillipsburg’s TFC office has become the nearest location.

This year the TFC office collected a record number of boxes, and 91 of them came from the kids at St John Lutheran.

Entire families are impacted by a single box. Many times a family with several children receive only one box. This means the items in the box are often divided up and the whole family shares the love of a single box!

Weekly Inspiration

Today is the perfect day to just be happy. Being sad, anxious, angry, or overthinking isn’t worth it. It’s leaking your precious energy. Time goes by so fast. I just want you to feel peace and let things flow. Feel joy. Stay positive. Let’s make this a priority today.

News items needed

Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at


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