News for 11/8/2023
Veterans Day Celebration
Join us for the annual Veterans Day Celebration in Kensington THIS Saturday, November 11, 2023. The theme for this year is “Honoring All Who Served.” Starting at 9:00am, there will be a Craft Fair at the American Legion and a PaperPie Learning Book Fair at the Kensington Community/School Library. Be sure to visit the Pie Stand at the Vo-Ag building (just south of the elementary school) to purchase desserts made by the Legion Auxiliary women. The ladies are also selling Quilt tickets and chances to win other items, plus the traditional poppies.
The opening ceremony will begin at 11:00am with special guest speaker Dr. Seth Kastle, Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq and Retired Army Reserve First Sergeant. Parade will commence at approximately 11:15am. The FREE BBQ to follow around noon; be sure to bring your own bowls or Tupperware.
The Book Fair at the Library will be open until 2:00pm and the Fall Festival Craft Fair at the American Legion will be open until 3:00pm.
Be sure to contact any SAL member to purchase raffle tickets for guns. Prizes to be given away Saturday night starting at 9:00pm at the Legion. Need not be present to win. Don’t forget the Lions Club Pancake Feed starting at 6:00am Sunday morning, November 12. They will be serving pancakes in the American Legion Hall until about 1:00pm.
TR Schools Schedule of Events
Don’t miss the PaperPie Learning Book Fair @ the Kensington Community/School Library! Going on now through Tuesday, Nov. 14, we will be open most days after school until 5:00pm (except Thurs. The 9th) and on Saturday from 9am-2pm during the Veterans Day Celebration. Also, stop on Monday, Nov. 13 from 8am-7pm.
Thur. 9- 4pm MS BB Home vs Osborne
Sat. 11- Veterans Day Parade- class floats and TR Band will march
Wed. 15- 9:30am FFA Food Science @ Wakeeney
Thur. 16- 4pm MS BB Home vs St. John’s-Tipton
Mon. 20- 4pm MS BB @ Logan-Palco
Tue. 21- Early Dismissal @ 12:15pm for Thanksgiving BREAK
Wed. 22-Fri. 24: NO SCHOOL
KAYS did a reverse trick or treating to collect food for the food pantry. Thank you to everyone who helped and donated food! It was a huge success!!

Kamryn Rietzke and Brooklyn Stauffer collected many items and then helped sort food at the community center.

Each month the KAYS make something for their community. This month they prepared for December and made upcycled Christmas cards for veterans. Peyton Chestnut, Khloe Reimer, Tristan Taylor, and Sam Baker work on Christmas cards for vets.

TR K-3rd kids trick or treating downtown Kensington.
News items needed
If you’re not seeing what you want to see, send me YOUR NEWS. Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at