News for 10/30/2019
Senior/Community Center Potluck
There will be a Halloween Potluck at the Kensington Senior/Community Center on Thursday, October 31st. We will open at 5:00pm with candy treats for the children. Treats will be available until 9:00pm. The potluck will be at 6:00pm. All are welcome. Please bring a dish to share with others. There will be games to play after eating; cards and dominoes. Come join us for an evening of fun, good food, and fellowship.
Israel Presentation at United Church
Join us this Sunday, November 3rd, for a special program during church with a potluck meal to follow. Larry and Judy Burgess will share about their Israel experience; a biblical, historical, and modern day journey to Israel. This special presentation will be given during church service, which begins at 10:25am. The United Church will host a potluck following service, so bring a dish and plan to stay for food and fellowship.
Turkey Dinner Drawing
Hosting Thanksgiving dinner? Let the Kensington Community Store take the stress away of preparing the meal. Come in and purchase tickets for a turkey dinner for 10! Meal includes mashed potatoes/gravy, dressing, green bean casserole, and dessert. All you have to do is warm up meal and enjoy that day. The tickets are $5 a piece. The winner will be announced Nov. 16th and meal can be picked up Nov. 27.
KCS is thankful for all the support.
Lions Club Monthly Meeting
At the lions club’s September monthly meeting, Mrs patty Lowe and her student, Ivy Corbett, spoke to the club for “education month” to update the club on the students’ progress in the art program using mosaics. Last year, the club donated funds to the art program so Mrs. Lowe could purchase materials to begin doing mosaics with her students. A year later, many students have thrived with this project using mosaics. She also recently received additional funds from the Smith County Community Foundation to expand the program. she now has materials and tools available at both the high school and middle school.
Ivy shared what her current projects are and explained the process of doing mosaics. She expressed how much she loves the art program and both she and Patty expressed their thanks to the lions for their support of art in the school.
Other club business included a donation to the American Legion in memory of Roy Wangerin. A donation was also given to the commercial club to help support their activities.
Upcoming Lions events are the delivering of meals on Veterans Day, candy sales at the parade, and their annual pancake feed Sunday, November 10, starting at 6am.
Their next meeting will be Monday, November 4, at 7:00, at the Senior Center. Please consider joining the club and helping serve our school and community!! Everyone is welcome to join!!
Need a Tutor?- Students taking online college classes or needing some extra help with math or science are invited to visit the Kensington Community/School Library on Monday nights from 6-8pm. This is FREE tutoring available for students in math and science classes.
TR Calendar of Events
Wed. 30- Pre-K to Hunter’s Pumpkin Patch leaving @ 8:45am; National FFA Convention @ Indianapolis
Thur. 31- Halloween Parade uptown Agra for Pre-K @ 9:30; 4/5/6th (Agra) and K-3rd(in Kensington) @ 2:30, with classroom parties to follow; 6:00pm District FB @ Kensington
Fri. 1- MS BB Sports Pictures 3:15pm; State VB @ Dodge City; FFA National Convention
Sat. 2- Honor Choir/Band to Hays; State VB @ Dodge City
Mon. 4- 7th/8th to COPE Course @ Camp Hansen; KAY Regional Conference @ Logan
Fri. 8- Regional FB
Sat. 9- Veterans’ Day Celebration in Kensington; Scholastic Book Fair at the Kensington Library
Mon. 11-Sun. 17- Fall Buffer Week
Tue. 12- MS BB @ Lincoln 4:00 lv 1:30; No TR Academy
Thur. 14- 9:30am FFA Food Science & Dairy @ Russell Co. Fairgrounds; MS BB in Agra vs Osborne 4:00pm
Fri. 15- Sectional FB
Mon. 18- 1:00pm HS NPL Vocal Clinic @ Osborne, 6:00pm concert; HS Winter Sports practice starts
Thur. 21- MS BB in Agra vs Rock Hills 4:00pm
Fri. 22- Sub-State FB
Mon. 25- MS BB @ Logan 4:00pm lv 2:35; No TR Academy
Tue. 26- Pre-K Thanksgiving Feast 10:45-12:15; Schools Dismiss @ 12:15pm for Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 27-29: No School
Book Fair at the Kensington Library
The Scholastic Book Fair has arrived! It will be set up and open for sales starting Friday, November 1st. The fair will run through the week of November 4-9th. Our special Family Event will take place during the Veterans Day Celebration in Kensington on Saturday, November 9th, from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Stop in for great books for the kids, nick-nacks/stocking stuffers for Christmas, pencils, erasers and posters too!
Billings Reunion
The Siblings of Guy & Neva Billings met for their Bi-Annual “Billings Family Reunion” on Oct. 12, 2019 at Sternberg Museum in Hays, Ks. There were about 40 in attendance. The Siblings & families attending were, Stan & Carolyn & families; Rod & Judy & families; Ken Ratliff & families; Joan & Steve Heide; Dan & Jeanne & families and they also were the host family for this year. Due to illness & conflicts, none of David & Rusty’s &/or families were able to attend. We missed them all.
The photo albums, for over the years, were shared & photos were taken of each of the families that were present,,to be added to the albums for future years.
Discussion of our next reunion was held. with the Stan Billing Families to be the host for 2021. Date & Place will be decided later on.
Bridal Shower: The Stan Billings families journeyed to Manhattan, Ks. for a Bridal Shower for Ariel Robinson. Her Bridesmaids did a “ Breakfast at Tiffany’s style” & was showered with Diamonds & Pearls. It was very beautiful!! This was held on Oct 13, at the Strasser Plaza, in Manhattan. Those attending from this area were: Linda Robinson, Carolyn Billings, Robin & Kendra Billings, Sheila, Molly & Morgan Jansonius.
Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit
Weekly Inspiration
Everyone you meet has something to teach you. - Unknown
The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical. - Julius Erving
Finish each day & be done with it. You have done what you could. Learn from it; tomorrow is a new day. - Ralph Waldo Emerson