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News for 11/11/2020 - Veteran's Day

This Saturday, November 14th, we will “Remember the Past to Protect the Future” during the annual Veterans’ Day Celebration in Kensington. Events for the day are scheduled to begin at 9:00am with the American Legion Auxiliary Pie Stand located at the Vo-Ag building just south of the elementary school. The Auxiliary women will also have paper poppies and raffle tickets for sale. At 11:00am Mike Isom, Retired Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army, will speak with the parade to follow at 11:15. The SALS and the American Legion will hold raffles as well, so contact any SAL, Legion Rider or Legion representative. The FREE BBQ will begin at NOON following the parade. Please bring your own tupperware containers and free will donations for the beans and sandwiches, tableware will not be provided.

Kensington Lions Club Pancake Feed

The Kensington Lions Club will hold their annual pancake breakfast on Sunday, November 15, but with a slight modification. Because of the need to do community events with extreme caution, this year’s pancake breakfast will be held as a drive through. Patrons will be asked to use the alley behind the American Legion, entering from the south end. Lion members will meet you in your car (in the alley) and ask how many meals you’d like and collect your donation. Cars will then proceed north, and meals will be picked up at the back kitchen door. A Lion member will bring it out to you.

Meals will consist of pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and syrup. They will be served in take out boxes and silverware will be given as well to make it a complete, one box meal. No meals will be served in the legion itself. All meals need to be picked up using the drive through. 

The Lions really need your support in this meal and hope many meals are picked up and donations given. This is the Lions Club’s main fundraiser for the year so your support of this meal will help ensure the club can continue to financially give back to the community and schools. 

Serving times will be like all other years. Meals can be picked up from 6am-1:00pm. 

Thunder Ridge Important Dates


*Fall Athletic Buffer Week November 9-15th

Thurs. 12- MS BB @ Osborne 4:00pm/lv @2:30

Fri. 13- MS Cheer Fundraiser Delivery

Sat. 14- Veterans’ Day Celebration in Kensington

Mon. 16- HS Winter Sports Practices Start

Thur. 19- MS BB @ Rock Hills (Mankato) 4:00pm/lv @ 2:55

Mon. 23- MS BB vs Logan 4:00pm (Agra)

Tue. 24- Pre-K Thanksgiving Feast @ MS 10:45am; Dismiss @ 12:15 for Thanksgiving Break

Wed. 25-Fri. 27- No School – Thanksgiving Break


Thurs. 3- HS BB Pictures at 3:15pm

Fri. 4- HS BB vs Chase

Mon. 7- 2:30pm Dismissal; 7:00pm K-3 & 9-12 Christmas Program in Kensington

*Because of a change in the Early Season Basketball Tournament, we have two additional home games for TRHS on December 8 and December 11.  These are scheduled to be Varsity only (Girls & Boys) starting at 6:00pm. 

Weekly Inspirations

You have to live through the worst parts of your life, so you never take the best parts for granted. - Unknown

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. - Lao Tzu

No 1 rule of life: Do what makes YOU happy. - Unknown

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