News for 2/5/2025
Murder Mystery Dinner
*Reserve your tickets now! Must RSVP and prepay by this Thursday, Feb. 6th to: Brooke McDowell (476-6191) or Staci Foreman (476-5066).
You’re invited! The Kensington Commercial/Community Club is hosting a special event at the American Legion in Kensington on Saturday, February 15, 2025. Starting at 6pm with cocktails and dinner served at 7. Dinner, a show, and a fun night out with friends. The dinner menu includes: Smoked Brisket, Potato, green beans, salad, roll and dessert. Tickets are $50 per person.
TR Schedule of Events
Thurs. 6- 9am FFA Selection Day Speech @ FHSU; 3pm PTL BB Tourney @ Mankato/Rock Hills
Fri. 7- HS BB @ Home vs Sylvan-Lucas
Sat. 8- 1pm PTL BB Tourney @ Mankato/Rock Hills
Mon. 10- NPL Band Contest @ Rock Hills; 1pm PTL Scholar’s Bowl @ Lincoln
Tues. 11- HS BB @ Logan vs Logan/Palco
Wed. 12- 8am FFA Ag Mechanics @ Goodland
Fri. 14- HS BB @ Tescott
Mon. 17- 2:30pm Early Dismissal; HS BB @ Home vs Hill City
Tues. 18- HS BB @ Lincoln
Fri. 21- HH BB @ Home vs Rock Hills
Mon. 24- HS Sub State Qtr Finals TBA
Tue. 25- HS BB Sub State Qtr Finals TBA
Fri. 28- End of 3rd Qtr
Sat. 1- HS BB Sub-State Semifinals TBA
Mon. 3- 8:30am/lv 6:55 from HS PTL Music Contest @ Sylvan/Lucas; 2:30 PM FFA Entomology/Ag Communications/ 3:30pm FFA Poultry @ Downs
Legion Friday Night
Serving the regular menu items every Friday from 6-8pm and offering a Friday Night Special. Call ahead your to–go orders at 785-476-3204. We hope to see you Friday night! Watch the American Legion Fred Marran Post #166 Facebook page for weather cancellations and further info. PLEASE NOTE: NOT OPEN SUPER BOWL SUNDAY, Feb. 9th.
Sympathy and prayers for the family and friends of Chad Burger. Chad passed away January 23, 2025 at the age of 54.
Weekly Inspiration
Give yourself grace, you're human. You'll have days when you feel unstoppable. On the days you don't, you are still capable.
News items needed
Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at