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news for 9/14/2022 Homecoming Candidates!

Homecoming 2022 Candidates

Sydni Rust - Brian Shaw, Toree Slavik - Kaleb Wagenblast, Alexis Holling - Dylan Bice, Trinity Coomes - Dalton Bice

TR Schedule of Events


Sept. 12-16 is Homecoming Week

The dress up themes this week consisted of: Monday- Superhero & Career day, Tuesday- Greasers & Surfers, Wednesday- Formal & Senior Citizen, Thursday- Disney & Twin, Friday- TR Spirit Day wear Blue & White

Wed. 14- 9:00am FFA Dairy Cattle Judging @ Bird City

Thur. 15- FFA to Husker Harvest Days (Leave @ 7:45am); MS VB/FB @ Lincoln 4:00/6:00 lv @ 1:30pm; 4:30pm HS XC @ Smith Center;

8:00pm Homecoming Games/Bonfire/Car Smash

Fri. 16- 2:30pm Homecoming Parade; 6:30pm Crowning Ceremony; 7:00pm HS FB @ Home vs Hill City; 9:00pm Homecoming Dance

Mon. 19- Bus Evacuations: HS-3:00; GS-3:10; MS-3:30; HS FB JV & VB C Team @ Hill City

Tue. 20- Dental Screening/Fluoride Varnishing

Wed. 21- PreK/4-8 Picture Day Retakes; 9:30am

FFA District Land Judging @ Goodland

Thur. 22- MS VB/FB here w/St. John’s-Tipton 4:00/6:00pm; 4:30pm HS XC @ Osborne

Fri. 23- 7:00pm HS FB @ Palco

Sat. 24- HS VB JV Tournament @ Hill City;

Marching Band to Old Settlers Day @ Smith Center

Friday Night @ the Legion

This week at the Kensington American Legion we will have a meal that can be purchased before the game, so you won't miss the crowning and kick off! We will have a pulled pork sandwich, potato salad, baked beans and dessert. You will start taking phone calls at 530 to fill your requests. You can call 785-476-3204 to place your orders. We will have our regular menu items as well. We wish the best for the area football teams! Hope to see you Friday!

Monday is Wing Night!

With Monday Night Football it’s a great time to come and watch the games while enjoying some wonderful wings and ice cold refreshments!! So bring your crew and come out to the Legion. Why sit at home when you can have fun with the community and support a veteran organization?? From 6-8pm at the American Legion in Kensington.

Mat Makers CHANGE:

Mat makers will meet again this Saturday, September 17, instead of the 24th. Still from 9-12:00. Hope more can join us.


The family of the late Henry and Anna Grauerholz held their annual reunion on September 4, 2022, at the St. John’s Lutheran Church Parish Hall in Kensington, Kansas. A potluck dinner was enjoyed by all with the family of the late Elizabeth “Lizzie” Goll hosting the event with 33 in attendance.

Those attending from out of state were Lawrence & Kay Goll-Blue Hill, NE and Glenda Sturtevant-

Milford, NE.

Kansas attendees included from Kensington: Marlene Kuhlmann; Bob & Donna Westbrook;

Darrell & Elaine Bretton; and Doc & Bev Grauerholz. From Athol: Steve & Sandy Kuhlman; Todd & Chris Kirchhoff; Blake, Alexa, & Jade Kirchhoff; Jeff & Mickie Levin; and

Arthur Kuhlmann. From Gaylord: Marjorie Conrad and Lloyd Conrad. From Smith Center:

Ken Jacobs. From Salina: Harvey & Evelyn Krein; and Mike Goll. From Norton: Sue Ann Stutheit; and James Durham. From WaKeeney: Andy & Marsha Oldham. From Kirwin: Azariah Christy. From Phillipsburg: Ann Edwards and Mick Hiesterman.

The next Grauerholz Family Reunion will be held September 3, 2023, with the Carl Grauerholz

Family hosting the event.

Weekly Inspiration

Remember this: Be a reflection of what you'd like to receive. If you want love, give love. If you want truth, be truthful. If you want respect, give respect. What you give out will always return.

News items needed

Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at


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