News for 10/21/2017
Brats/ Bells/Beverages 3.0
Join us Sunday, September 24 at 6:00pm as the St. John’s Bell Choir presents their 3rd Annual Brats/Bells/Beverages event located at the St. John Lutheran Church (north) in the parish hall. This special event is a fundraiser for the church’s new mission project: Crossroads Center Rescue Mission of Kearney and Hastings, Nebraska. Come enjoy a great night of food, fellowship, and fun! There will be performances by the St. John’s Lutheran Bell Choir, Girls of Grace, and new this year, the B.C. Drill Team. Free will donations will be collected with all proceeds given to the Crossroads Center Rescue Mission. We hope you can join us for great fun and fellowship this Sunday, Sept. 24 at 6:00pm in the north Lutheran church parish hall. This is an event you won’t want to miss!
Thunder Ridge School News
Grandparents Day at TRES
Thunder Ridge Elementary celebrated Grandparents on Friday Sept. 15th. Grandparents were invited to the children’s classrooms at 10:30am. The grandparents were able to see a portion of a school day and the neat, fun things the kids do at school. They also ate lunch with their grandchildren. Once the students were done with lunch they took their grandparents outside for recess and play. The children loved having these special visitors.
Pictures provided by Robin Billings and Dana Hughes

Duane Engelke with grandson Kale in Kindergarten classroom.

Left to right around the table: big grin from Isaac Wagenblast sitting with grandpa Larry Westerman, Vivian McDowell and granddaughter Breckyn, Kale Engelke with grandpa Duane.

Left to right around the table are: grandparents Curtis and Mary Beach, Tom Hardacre, granddaughter Cameron Hardacre, Susan Hardacre; Lexi Rust with grandma Sharon Rust.
Upcoming Games
TRMS Longhorns travel to Beloit on Thursday 21st to play against St. John’s. Game times are 4pm volleyball, 6pm football. Next week on Thursday 28, Southern Cloud comes to Agra. Games times are moved up: 3pm volleyball, 5:30pm football.
HS JV Volleyball has a tournament this Saturday, Sept. 23 at Hill City. Come see the Ladies play at Home as they host a triangular in Kensington on Tuesday the 26th at 4pm vs Natoma and Lincoln. The ladies travel to Mankato for a tournament on Saturday 30.
Longhorn Football is at home this Friday 22, in Kensington vs Bennington at 7pm. Friday, Sept. 29, the Longhorns travel to play vs Wilson at 7pm. Please note: all HS JV football games have been cancelled.
Important Info to Know
Monday, Sept. 25 is an early dismissal day for Teacher In-service. Thunder Ridge Schools will dismiss at 2:30pm. The Kensington Library will offer a movie event at the library for children to attend until parents get off work. A signed permission slip must be returned to school for your child to attend. Call Mrs. Barnes at the library with any questions 785-476-2219.
Stay updated on special events, school closings, sports and news with the school textcaster alerts. Sign up for Longhorn Alerts on the school website at
TR HS/GS Menus
Daily choice with meal: breakfast- milk or juice, fresh/canned fruit, cereal; lunch- Salad bar, along with fruits & veggies, served daily. *Note: Menus are subject to change.
Wed. 20
Breakfast: Egg & Cheese Sliders
Lunch: White Chicken Chili, Cornbread, Half-a-Banana, Apple Honey Crisp (9-12)
Thur. 21
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza
Lunch: Cheese Pizza, Steamed Broccoli, Fresh Citrus Fruit Cup
Fri. 22
Breakfast: Blueberry Pancakes
Lunch: Biscuit & Gravy, Sausage Patty, green beans, potato triangle, apricot halves
Mon. 25
Breakfast: Long John Donut
Lunch: BBQ Rib Patty on Bun, sweet potato bites, diced pears, royal brownie
Tues. 26
Breakfast: Biscuit & Gravy
Lunch: Taco Soup, corn tortilla chips, half-a-banana
Wed. 27
Breakfast: French Toast
Lunch: Corndogs, green beans, apple wedges, oven fries, snickerdoodle cookie (9-12)
Thur. 28
Breakfast: Cheese Quesadilla
Lunch: Chicken Quesadilla, chips w/ salsa, refried beans, orange smiles, cheese sticks (9-12)
Fri. 29
Breakfast: Hot Breakfast Bar
Lunch: Cowboy Cavatini, seasoned peas, dinner rolls, mixed fruit, rice krispy treat (9-12)
Steering committee continues to support TR
Each year Thunder Ridge's parent organization, the Steering Committee, works to support students, teachers, and school pride. The organization wants to thank all who attended our back to school meal August 27. It was a huge success!!!
Last spring the organization held the annual school carnival. The group is happy to report all projects planned with the profits have been completed. The Jr. High received a new track record board. It proudly lists all athletes who hold a school track record. It is displayed above the double doors on the south west corner of the gym.
The other project completed is new landscaping in front of the elementary. The steering committee purchased two oak trees and a dwarf spruce. These were then planted by the TR FFA kids. The trees that had been there previously had to be cut down a few years ago. The trees will add beauty as well as shade to the elementary in a few years.
All community members are encouraged to attend a steering committee meetings when possible. They meet quarterly and they're next meeting will be November 6th at 6:00pm, at First St. John's parish hall. The next events the group supports is parent night for both vb and fb as well as helping with homecoming.
Weekly Inspiration
The most common cause of stress nowadays is dealing with idiots.-anon
Sometimes people pretend you're a bad person so they don't feel guilty about the things they did to you.-anon
Just because people are unkind to you doesn't mean you have to be unkind back. That's how the world changes — one brave person like you being kind. - Bryant McGill
ISO: News Needed
Please send me your News! If you don’t send it, I can’t submit it! Contact Erica Barnes at 785-476-8185 or by email at