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News for 3/14/18

Lions Club Members Receive Pins for Years of Service

District Governor, Randy St. Aubyn, visited the March meeting of the Kensington Lion's Club. There are 76 clubs in the state, and he makes a point to visit all the clubs in our district. He shared a bit of Lion's history and promoted the upcoming trainings and conventions. Randy personally started the KS highway clean up in Kansas years ago. He also presented a 30 membership pin to Sam Rice and 35 year pin to Mike Isom.

Pic provided by Robin Billings of the whole Kensington Lion's Club with District 17-K Governor who visited the March meeting.

Second Picture: Mike Isom (35 yr pin), Randy St. Aubyn (District 17-K Governor),and SamRice (30 yr pin).

College Trip to Ancient Greece

Weston Rothchild is pictured with the group of Kansas State University Architecture students who spent last semester in Italy. The photo was taken in Paestum, Italy. Paestum was an ancient Greek city in southern Italy dating back to 600 BC. The trip was a part of the college’s curriculum, giving students the opportunity to study in a new environment as to heighten cultural awareness and broaden professional horizons through new experiences, studying the many types of architecture throughout Italy. Weston is the son of Shannon and Kristi Rothchild of Smith Center, and the grandson of Delmer and Glenda Rothchild of Downs and Darold and Joyce Grauerholz of Kensington.

Thunder Ridge School News

The Lady Longhorns placed 4th in the Class 1A-Division I State Tournament on Saturday, March 10th. After a win Thursday night over Rural Vista (48-44), they advanced to play Friday evening, when they fell to St. Paul (42-34). They played again Saturday for 3rd and 4th versus Coldwater-South Central (63 over Thunder Ridge 29). The Lady Longhorns earned 4th Place in the State, but 1st place in the hearts of the fans. Even though the basketball season has come to an end, these girls along with their families and community continue to “Rally for Raegen” and support their sister and dear friend, Raegan Boden through her fight against brain cancer.

NPL Arts Show

TRHS art students have artworks on display at the NPL Art competition at Osborne library. This year we have 7 art student who have placed pieces in the competition.

Seniors: Cassidy Gillespie, Kennedy Rietzke, and Lillie Massey.

Juniors: Libby Hardacre, Matti Riley, Britt Bauman, and Layne Pettijohn.

They each entered 2-6 pieces.

The Osborne Public Library is hosting the 5th Annual Northern Plains League High School Art Show at 325 W. Main, Osborne Ks. Hours for the library are Monday & Thursday 10am to 7pm, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10am to 5pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm.

The exhibit of high school artwork are on display from March 6 to March 27, 2018 and is open to the public. Students from Chase-Raymond, Glasco, Lakeside, Lincoln, Miltonvale, Osborne, Pike Valley, Rock Hills, Tescott, Thunder Ridge and Wilson submitting artwork for the juried show. Last year’s exhibit contained over 250 pieces of art at the Osborne Public Library.

Judging the show this year, will be April Cameron, alumni of Osborne High School and a supporter of the Arts. The judging of the show will be complete by March 8th. Medals will be awarded to the top 3 artworks as well as up to 3 honorable mention certificates for 15 categories. The categories are; acrylic painting, oil painting, watercolor painting, ink/scratchboard, 3D design/sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, graphic design, digital photography, pastel/crayon, charcoal drawing, colored pencil drawing, graphite drawings, mixed media, and printmaking.

Presentation of awards will take place Tuesday, March 27th at 10:00 am to close the exhibit. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the awards presentation. At the conclusion of the awards presentation the exhibit will be taken down and returned to the schools.

Friday Nights at the Kensington Legion

Come join us for supper Friday night, March 16, at the Kensington American Legion as we celebrate St. Patrick's day with Reuben Sandwiches, Irish potato cakes, and for dessert we'll have pistachio delight. Our soup will be potato. Serving from 6-8:30pm. Please call us if you'd like for take out order or need us to reserve a table for your friends: 785.476.3204. See you Friday!

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