News for 3/21/18
Thunder Ridge School Carnival
Come for food and fun! The annual Thunder Ridge Carnival is this Friday, March 23rd located at the Middle School in Agra. Walking Tacos with all the fixings will be served from 5:30-7:00pm in the cafeteria for $5.00 per person. Tickets will be sold for the games and booths set up in the gymnasium, open from 6:30-8:00pm. Each student is scheduled to work and asked to contribute items to help make the carnival a success. So please be sure to send items to school or bring the night of the carnival. We hope to see you there!
KAYS to Host Blood Drive
Wednesday, April 4th is the next opportunity to donate blood at Thunder Ridge High School. The American Red Cross will have appointments available starting from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Call the high school office at 476-2217 to sign up. This Blood Drive is sponsored by the TRHS KAYS organization.
Other Important Dates:
Fri. 23- Carnival @ MS 6:30-8:00 (Walking Tacos meal in cafeteria 5:30-7:00)
Wed. 28- MS Track pictures 3:15
Thur. 29- 7th/8th to Hutchison Cosmosphere lv Ktown 6:00, Agra 6:10, Kirwin 6:20
Fri. 30- No School – Good Friday
Mon. APRIL 2- No School – Easter Break
Thur. 5- MS Track @ Norton 9:30
TR HS/GS Menus:
Daily choice with meal: breakfast- milk or juice, fresh/canned fruit, cereal; lunch- Salad, fruits & veggie bar, served daily. *Note: Menus are subject to change.
Thur. 22
Breakfast: Breakfast Quesadilla w/salsa
Lunch: Cheese Pizza, Steamed Broccoli, Fresh Citrus Fruit Cup
Fri. 23
Breakfast: Breakfast Bar
Lunch: Biscuits & Gravy, Sausage Patty, Potato Triangle, Green Beans, Apricots
Mon. 26
Breakfast: Mini Cinnis
Lunch: BBQ Rib Patty on Bun, Sweet Potato Bites, Diced Pears, Royal Brownie
Tues. 27
Breakfast: Pancake/sausage Stick w/syrup
Lunch: Taco Soup, Corn Chips, half-a-banana
Wed. 28
Breakfast: Breakfast Sliders
Lunch: Corndogs, Green Beans, Apple Wedges, Oven Fries, Snickerdoodle Cookie
Thur. 29
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza
Lunch: Chicken Quesadilla, Chips w/black bean & corn salsa, refried beans, orange smiles, cheese sticks (9-12)
No School Fri. 30– Good Friday
Mon. APRIL 2- No School – Easter Break
American Legion
Friday Night Special -serving 6:00-8:30pm- March 23rd:
This week special at the American Legion we will be serving homemade salmon patties with macaroni and cheese, slaw, and cheddar biscuits. Our soup will be chicken pot pie and for dessert there will be pumpkin pie with whipped cream. We are more than happy to make take out orders and to reserve a table for you and your guests. Please call us at 785.476.3204 so we can serve you.
We'd also like to remind everyone that we can offer you a place for those bridal showers, baby showers, graduation party, and family reunions. We can set the bar area up any way you need to make it quaint and comfortable. It's less expensive to rent for smaller crowds. Time is valuable so let's us help you decorate and do the cooking for you. Ample parking available. Give us a call so we can get it on our calendar!
Kensington Library News
Nora Rhoades from Post Rock Extension provided another great Brainy Babies program Monday evening, March 19th. The littles enjoyed an interactive sensory experience while the parents appreciated some quality time with their child. Nora has been wonderful in sharing this great series of programs encouraging early learning while also enhancing the relationship between adult and child.
Local ladies have allowed us to display their quilts this month for National Quilt Month. Wall hangings, table runners, full sized quilts and a nice display of old and unique pin cushions are displayed. Quilters sharing their quilts are Nancy Hagman, Nancy Wangerin, Doris Wiens, Ladonna Weltmer, Jaunita Reneberg, Wilda Conaway, Alice Rietzke, Karen Cole, Karen Bischopping, and Sherry Newbrey. Danielle Riley also helped these gals with setup. Stop by to check out the display and visit our wonderful library.
Weekly Inspiration
If someone is stupid enough to walk away from you, be smart enough to let them go.
No matter how much it hurts now, someday you will look back and realize your struggles changed your life for the better.
The most humbling statement we can say is, "I am nothing without God." and the most powerful statement is, "With God, I can do anything."