News for 3/28/18
Thunder Ridge School News
The annual Thunder Ridge Carnival was held Friday evening, March 23rd at the Middle School in Agra. Walking tacos were served in the cafeteria while games and booths were set up in the gymnasium for all K-12 students and their families to enjoy. Everyone had food and tons of fun at the carnival.
The 7th grade were the artists of the Face Painting Booth. Pictured is Zach Barnes painting a fun face on a grade school boy and behind him, Bayleigh Morgan painting the face of another.
Pictured above is Zach Barnes painting a tiger face on Kindergarten student Emyro Williams. These pics provided by Robin Billings.
Northern Plains League Art Competition
We can be very proud of our Jr. and Sr. art students. Out of the 24 pieces we took to contest, 10 received awards. These are as follows:
First Place awards
Matilyn Riley with an oil painting - Mountain Breeze
Britt Bauman with a watercolor painting - Colors of Fall
Second Place awards
Layne Pettijohn with an oil painting - Cherry Blossoms at Sunset
Matilyn Riley with a sculpture - Feather Spoon
Third Place awards
Cassidy Gillespie with a 3-D design - Pig in a Jar
Britt Bauman with a colored pencil - Foxy
Britt Bauman with a pencil drawing - Chick-a-dee
Honorable Mentions
Cassidy Gillespie with a pen and ink - Squid
Britt Bauman with a pencil drawing - Naturally Sweet
Britt Bauman with a pencil drawing - Hard Head
These students were recognized for their accomplishments at an awards ceremony held on Tuesday, March 27th at the Osborne Public Library.
KAYS to Host Blood Drive
Wednesday, April 4th is the final opportunity to donate blood at Thunder Ridge High School this school year. The American Red Cross will have appointments available starting from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Call the high school office at 476-2217 to sign up. This Blood Drive is sponsored by the TRHS KAYS organization.
Other Important Dates:
Thur. 29- 7th/8th to Hutchinson Cosmosphere lv Ktown 6:00, Agra 6:10, Kirwin 6:20
Fri. 30- No School – Good Friday
Mon. APRIL 2- No School – Easter Break
Thur. 5- MS Track @ Norton 9:30
TR HS/GS Menus:
Daily choice with meal: breakfast- milk or juice, fresh/canned fruit, cereal; lunch- Salad, fruits & veggie bar, served daily. *Note: Menus are subject to change.
Thur. 29
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza
Lunch: Chicken Quesadilla, Chips w/black bean & corn salsa, refried beans, orange smiles, cheese sticks (9-12)
No School Fri. 30– Good Friday
No School Mon. APRIL 2– Easter Break
Tues. 3
Breakfast: Biscuit & Gravy
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, whipped potatoes & gravy, dinner roll, mandarin oranges
Wed. 4
Breakfast: French Toast w/syrup
Lunch: Chili, crackers, cinnamon roll, orange smiles
Thur. 5
Breakfast: Breakfast Quesadilla w/salsa
Lunch: Chicken Fillet, sweet potato bites, green beans, biscuit, grapes
Fri. 6
Breakfast: Breakfast Bar
Lunch: Mac & Cheese, meatball, peas, apple wedges, dinner roll (9-12), chocolate chip cookie (9-12)
United Church Spaghetti Dinner
Please plan to attend Camp All 4 Luv Lunch Sunday, April 8th, from 11:30am-12:45pm. Located in the United Church basement, the youth will be serving a menu of: Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce (gluten free option available), Green Beans, French Bread, and Dessert. Free will donations accepted for the youth camp fund and other youth events. There is an elevator for those who cannot use the stairs.
American Legion
Friday Night Special -serving 6:00-8:30pm- March 30th:
This week at the Kensington American Legion we will be having bourbon bacon roast beef sliders, buttered parsley potatoes, and baked beans. The soup will be chicken pot pie and dessert will be apple dumplings. Please let us know if you will be needing a big table reserved for your family and friends that will be joining you. If you need an order to go please call us at 785.476.3204. Hope to see you Friday!
We'd also like to remind everyone that we can offer you a place for those bridal showers, baby showers, graduation party, and family reunions. We can set the bar area up any way you need to make it quaint and comfortable. It's less expensive to rent for smaller crowds. Time is valuable so let's us help you decorate and do the cooking for you. Ample parking available. Give us a call so we can get it on our calendar!
Kensington Library News
The library will be CLOSED this Good Friday, March 30th and also Saturday, March 31st for the holiday weekend. There is no school at USD 110 on Monday, April 2nd, so we will be open from 2:00-8:00pm.
Nora Rhoades from Post Rock Extension will provide another great Brainy Babies program on Monday evening, April 16th, starting at 5:15pm. Brainy Babies is for parents and children ages birth to 3 years. Please call the library to RSVP at 785-476-2219. Also, mark your calendars for the upcoming BOGO Book Fair, April 23-27. We will hold a Family Night on Monday, April 23rd serving Root Beer Floats to kick-off summer reading. Come enjoy a sweet treat and stock up on great books at buy-one-get-one-free prices!
Easter Trivia
After Halloween, Easter is the top-selling candy holiday. The first Easter eggs were colored red, in memory of the blood Jesus shed during his crucifixion.
Weekly Inspiration
The storm sent to break you, is going to be the storm that God uses to make you.
Faith is not believing that God can, it's knowing that He will.
When you kneel down to God, He stands up for you; when He stands up for you, no one can stand against you.