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News for 1/23/19

KCS Soup Lunch this Sunday!

Please remember to sign up for your contributions at the Kensington Community Store and don’t forget to bring your donated items for the Soup Lunch Fundraiser on Sunday, January 27, 2019. Located in the Kensington American Legion Hall on main street in Kensington, from 11:00am to 1:00pm, please come out and help support your local grocery store. This Soup Lunch is accepting donations for the Kensington Community Store expenses. If we don’t show our support, we could lose the store. So, mark your calendar and plan to attend this Sunday, Jan. 27. Please give generously and remember to shop local first.

Lion's Club Hosts District Governor

Back: Greg Billings, Mike Baetz, Gary Hainke, Darold Grauerholz, Jarod Grauerholz, Bob Hunter, Bob Bearley, District Governor Reland Cole. Front: Roy Wangerin, Dave Wahl, Joan Nech, Robin Billings, Becky Isom, Mike Isom, and Kenny Ratliff

January 7, the Kensington Lions Club hosted the District Governor at their monthly meeting. They also invited members from the Kirwin and Agra clubs to join the evening. After a meal served by the St. John Lutheran WELCA group, the district governor, Reland Cole, spoke to the group. He began by speaking about the history of Kensington's Lions Club. Kensington's club began May 14, 1959, and was sponsored by the Smith Center Lion's Club. Many projects that were started in 1959, are still going strong. Some of them include: annual pancake feed, community birthday calendars, financially supporting the Senior Center, supporting summer ball programs, and highway cleanup. The club has continued those traditions as well as expanded their giving to the community and school.

Reland also gave information on a new product that is available through the Lion's Clubs to anyone who needs it. It is called a Script Reader. It is a machine that reads pill bottles that have a special label on the bottom of the bottle. It reads all the information on the label, including medication name, dosage, and other important information.

He also talked about how to recruit new members and the importance of growing a club's membership. Every club, he said, needs to grow in numbers and add younger members to keep clubs active and vital. Lions is very involved and generous to the community. It's important to keep the community aware of all the contributions the club makes.

He promoted the District Convention for Lions that will be held in Hays on March 22-23 at FHSU. There is a meal and entertainment Friday night and break out sessions on Saturday. It is also the 100th year for Kansas Lions.

A short business meeting followed Reland's talk. Fifty-three gift bags of fruit and cookies had been delivered in December. The club also agreed to donate the additional needed money to the high school to pay for the DJ for the Winter Formal. Next month is Ladies' Night and also the beginning of making plans for the community birthday calendars the Lions sell and deliver.

Everyone is welcome to join Lions Club at any time! They always meet the first Monday of the month in the Senior Center. They eat at 7:00 and the meeting and program follow. Consider yourselves invited!!

Thunder Ridge School News

Congratulations Lady Longhorns -Northern Plains League Tournament Champions again! Thunder Ridge Lady Longhorns, coached by Darren Grauerholz and Chris Kirchhoff, just captured their 6th straight league title. If anyone would like a shirt, please contact the high school. Order forms and money are due in the high school office by Friday January 25. Please make checks payable to Connie Kahrs.

Back: assistant coach Chris Kirchhoff, Iva Rust, Mariana Escobar, Saige Kirchhoff, Jadeyn Bice, Caley Panter, Raegan Boden, Matilyn Riley, Jordyn Vales, Susana Torres, Coach Darren Grauerholz. Front: Maycee Westbrook, Elizabeth Hardacre, Madelyn Davis, Jaden Boden, Brennan Kirchhoff, Layne Pettijohn, Mariah Stauffer, Raini Hrabe.

These 4 seniors have won the NPL tourney every year in their high school career.

(l-r) Raegan Boden, Elizabeth Hardacre, Layne Pettijohn, Mariah Stauffer.

Elizabeth Hardacre goes up for the shot.

Jaden Boden in for a layup.

Layne Pettijohn focused on defense.

Terrific Attendance Awards!

Thunder Ridge Elementary students were recognized for their perfect attendance during the 2nd nine weeks. These students, having missed only 2 days or less, received awards and a gift card to the Corner Corral for their awesome attendance.

3rd grade: AJ Dunlap, Tate Foreman, Katie Golden, Cameron Hardacre, Addison Molzahn, Lexi Rust

2nd grade: Gideon Nelson, Isaiah Coomes, Daniel Ferguson, EdiLyn McGuire

1st grade: Isaac Wagenblast, Hunter Vales, Dirk Stephens, Breckyn McDowell, Danasia Holling, Kale Engelke, Lily Eller, Lucas Barnes

Kindergarten recognized: Kassie Wagenblast, Conner Molzahn, Bryson Krueger, Jacob Hendryx, Destyni Coomes, Kaytlin Capps, Jorgia Wiehman

TR Activities/Game Dates

Important Dates:

  • Mini Cheer Camp will be hosted by the TRHS Cheerleaders on Saturday, January 26 from 9am to 12 noon. Forms will be available or contact sponsor Kathi Boden at the HS.

  • Thunder Ridge KAYS to host a Blood Drive on Thursday, January 31, from 9am to 3pm at the High School. Students and Community members are invited to donate. Please call the HS to sign up at 785-476-2217.


Thur. 24- MS BB here w/Southern Cloud 3:00pm

Fri. 25- HS BB vs Southern Cloud 4:00pm

Sat. 26- TRHS Mini Cheer Camp from 9am to 12/noon.

Mon. 28- PTL MS BB Tourney @ Osborne 11:00am

Tue. 29- HS BB @ St. John’s-Tipton (Beloit) 4:00pm

Wed. 30- MS County Spelling Bee here @ 9:00am in auditorium

Thur. 31- Morning Pre-K to visit Kindergarten 8:45am; KAYS Blood Drive @ TRHS from 9am to 3pm; PTL MS BB Tourney @ Osborne 11:00am


Fri. 1- HS BB vs Sylvan-Lucas 4:00pm

Sat. 2- PTL MS BB Tourney @ Osborne 11:00am

Mon. 4- NPL Band Clinic @ Rock Hills (Mankato) 1:00pm w/ 6pm Concert

Tue. 5- HS BB vs Franklin 4:00pm

Wed. 6- KAY Unit Conference @ Norton

Fri. 8- HS BB @ Tescott 4:00pm

Sat. 9- Youth Basketball @ Agra & K-town gyms; MS Dance 7-10pm in Cafeteria

Mon. 11- PTL Scholar’s Bowl @ Lakeside 1:00pm; HS BB vs Hill City 4:00pm

Tue. 12- HS BB @ Lincoln 4:00pm

Wed. 13- HS Play Dress Rehearsal @ MS 1:45pm

Raffle will Support the Veteran's Community Project

The quilters and blanket tying ladies of St. John Lutheran Church are having a raffle of several different hand-made items to raise money for the church's mission project, Veteran's Community Project. Among the items are: a 98" X 98" quilt, a 62" x 68" afghan, a 52" x 69" Fort Hays fleece throw, a 59" x 65" K-State fleece throw, and a 47" x 17" winter table runner. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be Sunday, February 24. Tickets are for all items. Winners will be notified by phone so need not be present to win. Contact Linda Miller (638-2896), Linda Rice (476-8170), or Carolyn Mott (638-2869) for tickets.

Busy Bees 4-H News

The Busy Bee 4-H Club started out their year on October 21, 2018 with a fall party and officer elections. The 2018-2019 President is Jacob Barnes, Vice-President – TyLynn Blank, Secretary – Jonathan Ferguson, Treasurer – Mark Ferguson, Reporter – Hannah Nelson, Parliamentarian – Raini Hrabe, Historian – KensLy Blank and Lexi Rust, 4-H Council Representative – Iva Rust, Sydni Rust, TyLynn Blank, Paul Ferguson, Recreation – Aadyn Blank, Braxtyn Dodds, Danny Ferguson, and Song Leader – Kaydence Dodds. New Community Leaders are Erica Barnes and Trina Schrag.

On December 9th, the club had their meeting and Christmas party. President, Jacob Barnes called the meeting to order. Roll Call was “Your Favorite Christmas Carol”. There were 20 members present. Kaydence Dodds led the club in singing “Jingle Bells”. Aayden Blank led the club in playing a “Snowball Relay” game. Club members brought gifts for residents in Smith County nursing homes as a community service project.

The next meeting will be on February 10th at 5:00 PM.

Submitted by Hannah Nelson - Reporter

Grauerholz Gathering

Darold and Joyce Grauerholz attended a family gathering in Wichita for a surprise, milestone birthday celebration for Leora Smith, of Topeka, on the weekend of January 12 and 13. Many family members and friends were in attendance.


Sympathies to the family of Cheryl Synoground. Cheryl Kay Synoground passed away at her home on Friday, January 11, 2019 at the age of 72. She is survived by her husband, Richard; son Scott of Kansas City, MO; daughter Christy of Kansas City, MO; and son Adam, his wife Connie and their two children Ada and Ivan of Kensington, KS.

Weekly Inspiration

Value yourself and know your worth, you are as important as everyone on this earth. Every human being has a purpose, your life has value it is not worthless. You are beautiful and special - BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE! Live your life to the fullest and reach for the stars. - Harry Bridgeman


Your news is important to us. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185

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