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News for 2/20/2019

(l-r) Denny, Fran, Darold, Joyce, Gretchen, and “Nicki” Xinopoulos

Grauerholz’ Attends Lions Rally

Darold and Joyce Grauerholz attended the Kansas Lions Mid-Winter Rally in Manhattan, KS on January 25-27. Pictured are Denny and Fran Smith, Ulysses; Darold and Joyce Grauerholz, Kensington; Gretchen and “Nick” Xinopoulos, Brownsburg, Indiana. Mr. Xinopoulos came from humble beginnings, growing up in a one room home in rural Greece. He has received numerous awards with Lions and various other associations. He now serves as International Director of Lions Club International. Lions currently have a worldwide membership of 1.5 million.

Alumni of Kensington and Thunder Ridge

If you are a graduate of West Smith County or Thunder Ridge High School and you have had a change of address, please contact Staci Foreman at the District Office to update your info. We will soon be mailing out invites for the annual alumni banquet and we want to ensure you receive it! Call 785-476-2218 or email

Thunder Ridge School News

Senior Parent Night

The last home basketball games of the season took place Thursday night, February 14 with Senior Parent night. All seniors were recognized with future/college plans announced, and mother’s were given flowers. Thank you parents for all the support and encouragement throughout these high schools years.

#21 Riggs Reneberg goes up for the shot against the Grizzlies.

Senior Brandon Shaw up in the air with no defenders in sight.

Wysteria Corbett as Bunny, Jacob Barnes as Harry “Pokey” and Maggie Nech as Nina.

Medium Rare

TRHS presented the 2019 school play “Medium Rare” this past weekend, February 16 and 17. All of the students, under the direction of Patty Lowe, worked hard and put a lot of time into this amazing performance. Weather hindered the attendance for Saturday night’s performance, but many more were in the audience for the Sunday matinee.

Maggie Nech, Nina, and Matilyn Riley assisting poor Maynard, Brittany Atchison with his back problems.

Meeting of the “Early Birds”

-play photos by Robin Billings

Spaghetti & Chess Night

TR Chess Club will host a night of spaghetti and playing chess on Tuesday, February 26, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm in the elementary school cafeteria. There is no charge. This is open to high school students and also open to students in grades 6th, 7th and 8th if they bring their parents. The middle school students will not be admitted without a parent accompanying them. Please call the high school 476-2217 if planning to attend. When asked if you plan to attend, just say "Chess!"

TR Activities/Game Dates


Wed. 20- 7th/8th Field Trip to Norton Correctional Facility/Phillips Co. Recycling Center

Thur. 21- Regional BB; MS Scholar’s Bowl @ Palco 4:00pm

Fri. 22- Regional BB

Sat. 23- Regional BB

Mon. 25- Early Dismissal @ 2:30pm for Teacher In Service

Tue. 26- PTL Scholar’s Bowl @ Lakeside 12:30pm

Thur. 28-Sat. March 2- Sub-State BB


Fri. 1- End of 3rd 9 weeks; MS AR Party – Ice Skating in Kearney 10:30am-12:30pm

Sat. 2- Sub-State BB

Mon. 4-Thurs. 7- Scholastic Book Fair @ the Middle School in Agra

Tue. 5- NPL Art Show Begins

Wed. 6- MS Honors Program in Auditorium 3:15pm

*State Basketball March 6-9

Thurs. 7- Last day for the Book Fair! @ TRMS

Mar. 11-15: No School – Spring Break

Mon. 18- MS Track practice begins

American Legion Menu

The American Legion Auxiliary will no longer be serving meals on Monday and Wednesday evenings. Serving every Friday night from 6-8:30pm. This week at the American Legion we will be having salmon patties, buttered parsley potatoes, and glazed carrots. Our soup will be ham and bean with corn bread, for dessert we're going to have a chocolate truffle along with our regular menu items. We'd love to make your supper to go just call us at 785-476-3204. It's cold outside but we have it warm at the legion for you to join your family and friends for supper. Please come and join us.

Raffle will Support the Veterans Community Project

The quilters and blanket tying ladies of St. John Lutheran Church are having a raffle of several different hand-made items to raise money for the church's mission project, Veterans Community Project. Among the items are: a 98" X 98" quilt, a 62" x 68" afghan, a 52" x 69" Fort Hays fleece throw, a 59" x 65" K-State fleece throw, and a 47" x 17" winter table runner. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be Sunday, February 24. Tickets are for all items. Winners will be notified by phone so need not be present to win. Contact Linda Miller (638-2896), Linda Rice (476-8170), or Carolyn Mott (638-2869) for tickets.

Weekly Inspiration

Truth is not to be found outside. No teacher, No scripture can give it to you. It is inside you and if you wish to attain it, see your own company. - Osho

Women, you are not rehabilitation centres for badly raised men... It's not your job to fix him, change him, parent or raise him. You want a partner not a project. - Julia Roberts


Your news is important to us. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185.

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