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News for 4/17/2019

Easter Egg Hunt!

The annual Easter Egg Hunt is planned for Saturday, April 20th at the old Prairie Haven location. The hunt will start at 1:30pm and children will be divided into three different age groups. Local businesses please deliver your eggs to the Kensington Community Store by April 18th at 4:00pm.

Hark, Hear the Bells

The bell and chime choirs of the St. John Lutheran Church, Kensington, Norton United Methodist Church and the Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Stuttgart will be presenting a Spring Concert on Sunday April 28 at 4:00pm at the Huck Boyd Center. The choirs will perform individually and as a group. The concert is free for the public to enjoy.

Alumni Banquet Coming Soon!

Alumni of Kensington and Thunder Ridge- The invites have been mailed out for the Annual Alumni Banquet. The banquet is scheduled for May 25 at the American Legion Hall in Kensington honoring all years ending in 4 and 9. If you are a graduate of West Smith County or Thunder Ridge High School and you have had a change of address, please contact Staci Foreman at the District Office to update your info. Call 785-476-2218 or email

KAYS Held Girls Rock and Boys Roll Event

Saturday, April 6, the TRHS KAY Club hosted a fun, Girls Rock and Boys Roll event for the children of the community. This is a great experience for the high school students to interact with the younger kids who look up to them. The girls had the option of getting manicures and their hair done while the boys played various sports. Crafts, inside activities, and outdoor games allowed lots of play and something for everyone.

Playing some racketball inside.

KAY Sponsor Kathi Boden monitoring crafts with some cute little girls.

Busy kids playing outside and enjoying the nice day.

KAY Brittany Atchison curling Alanna Schroeter’s hair.

Boys playing basketball: Brandon and Cameron Grauerholz, Reece Struckhoff and Kyler Seemann playing with Brillon McDowell and Levi Barnes.

Girls getting all “dolled up” with manicures and hair do’s.

Kylie Riemer and Madelyn Davis sliding with Kylie’s little brother.

Senior KAY Raegan Boden picking nail colors with Peyton Chestnut and KensLy Blank.

BOGO Book Fair Next Week!

The Kensington Community/School Library will be hosting the BOGO Scholastic Book Fair during the week of April 22 through 26 to promote summer reading. Providing books at buy one, get one FREE prices we hope that parents can stock up on great reading materials to keep their children practicing those important reading skills through the summer months. We hate to see our students suffer from that Summer Slide.

Our special Family Event will take place Monday, April 22 from 6:00-7:30pm, serving root beer floats and allowing families to preregister for the summer reading program. The fair will be open Monday through Friday, hours are: M-8:00 to 8:00pm, T-8:00am to 4:00pm, W- 8:00am to 5:00pm, Th- 8:00am to 4:00pm, and F-8:00am to 5:00pm.

Keep reading kids, and plan to attend our fun, summer library programs!

TR Activities/Dates


Wed. 17- PTL Music Contest @ Pike Valley (Courtland) 8:30am; FFA District Livestock Contest @ Hays 9:00am

Thur. 18- MS Track @ Osborne 9:00am (lv K-Town 6:50; Agra 7:00; Kirwin 7:15); Spring Music Program for K-3 & 9-12 @ HS gym 7:00pm

Fri. 19- No School – Good Friday

Mon. 22- Fri. 26- BOGO Book Fair @ Kensington Community/School Library

Mon. 22- No School – Easter Break; HS JV Track @ Hill City 3:30pm

Tue. 23- MS Track @ Beloit 9:00am (lv K-Town 6:40; Agra 6:50; Kirwin 7:00); HS Track @ Osborne 3:00pm

Wed. 24- 5th/6th grade to Water Jamboree @ Harlan Lake – Republican City, NE 9:15am (lv @ 8:30); Pre-K to visit Kindergarten 8:45-10:45am; 4th grade bused to the GS for Band Presentation 9:30am

Thur. 25- Safe Driving Program @ HS for 7th/8th grades 1:00pm

Fri. 26- 8th Grade to NCK Tech in Hays 9:00am (lv Ktown 7:30 & Agra 7:45)

Mon. 29- 3rd Grade bused over to visit 4th Grade @ MS 1:00pm (lv @ 12:50); Instrument Display for 4th grade 7:00pm @ MS

Tue. 30- MS Track @ Beloit St John’s 9:00am (lv K-town 6:40; Agra 6:50; Kirwin 7:00)


Wed. 1- MS Achievement Assembly and Art Open House/5th grade Wax Museum 8:30am; 5th-8th Physicals @ Phillips County Medical Clinic 1:00pm

Germantown Cemetery Meeting

The Germantown Cemetery annual meeting will be held Monday, April 22nd, 7:00pm at the cemetery. All interested parties are invited to attend. Board members are Alan Grauerholz, Brian Dettmer, Vincent and Kim Rietzke.

American Legion Menu

This week at the American Legion we will be having Sheppard's pie, slaw, and orange carrot salad. Our extra salad will be creamy macaroni and for dessert we're having Butterfinger pie. We'd love to hear from you if you need us to fix your supper to go or need tables put together for friends/family by calling 785-476-3204. Come out and check out the new menu items and to have a good time.

Busy Bees Report

The Busy Bee 4-H Club met on February 10, 2019. President, Jacob Barnes called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call was “Your Favorite Winter Activity.” There were 21 members present. Kaydence Dodds led us in the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.” The club decided to collect supplies for birthday bags to support Tyaln McKenzie’s Star Project. Jacob Barnes gave a talk about the Buymanship Project. Kensly Blank gave a project talk on her dog Bella. Levi Barnes did a show and tell on his hand pet project. He showed his guinea pig. Braxtyn Dodds led the club in a “Human Knot” game.

The club then met on April 14, 2019, 2018. President, Jacob Barnes called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call was “Your Middle Name.” There were 24 members present. Mark Ferguson gave a talk about his trombone solo that he is taking to state competition. Danny Ferguson gave a show and tell on the piano. Michael Ferguson gave a show and tell about his chicken project. Leaders reminded us of important dates coming up. The Council Report told about Day Camp and the fair theme “4-H Throwback.” Club members brought birthday bag supplies for their community service project. Braxtyn Dodds led the club in playing a balloon relay race.

The next meeting will be on June 9th at 5:00 PM.

Hannah Nelson - Reporter

Busy Bees sorting supplies to make Birthday Bags for the local food pantry.

Levi Barnes and Hannah Nelson racing to pop their balloons!

Weekly Inspiration

The moment you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you gain the power to change anything in your life. - Hal Elrod

I only have time for things that will affect my life in a positive way. - Dylan Smith

Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully. - Kristen Butler


Please get your news items to Erica no later than Monday morning at 10:00am. News submitted after 10:00am will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color, version visit

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