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News for 1/6/2021 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

TR Basketball Update

Due to changes in KSHSAA Moratorium restrictions, there was no game held on Tuesday, January 5. Please see the updated HS BB schedule below. There are several other changes. Reminder: Everything is subject to change at any time.

One MS BB change is that the game scheduled for this Thursday, January 7, will now be held on Friday, January 8, at 3:00pm in Agra.


Friday, January 8- OPEN

Tuesday, January 12- Lakeside @Kensington

Friday, January 15- Osborne @Osborne

Tuesday, January 19- Northern Valley @Almena

Friday, January 22- Sylvan-Lucas Unified @Sylvan Grove

Tuesday, January 26- Pike Valley @Courtland

Friday, January 29- Southern Cloud @Kensington

TR Schools Important Dates

JANUARY- *these events are subject to change.

Wed. 6- MS Honors Program 3:15pm in auditorium @Agra

Fri. 8- MS BB here w/Southern Cloud 3:00pm; No HS BB

Mon. 11- MS BB @Natoma 4:00pm/ lv @ 2:05

Tues. 12- HS BB vs Lakeside @Kensington 4:00pm

Wed. 13- 7/8th Career Day (through Zoom) in the morning

Thur. 14- MS BB here w/Rock Hills 4:00pm

Fri. 15- HS BB vs Osborne @Osborne

Mon. 18- No School – Teacher In-Service

Tue. 19- HS BB vs Northern Valley @Almena

Wed. 20- In-School Spelling Bee @ 9:30 in auditorium @Agra

Thur. 21- MS BB here w/Pike Valley 4:00pm

Fri. 22- HS BB vs Sylvan-Lucas Unified @Sylvan Grove

Mon. 25- PTL MS BB Tourney @ Osborne 11:00am

Tues. 26- HS BB vs Pike Valley @Courtland

Thur. 28- PTL MS BB Tourney @ Osborne

Fri. 29- HS BB vs Southern Cloud @Kensington

Sat. 30- PTL MS BB Tourney @ Osborne

Helping the Homeless

The St. John Lutheran Sunday school kids used Thrivent Action Team dollars to find more ways to help those who are less fortunate.

There has been a group of people, meeting at the church, making sleeping mats out of plastic grocery bags for three years so the Sunday school kids wanted to once again add to this service project. (They did it last year as well.)

The Thrivent dollars were used to purchase wool socks, waterproof thermal gloves, personal wipes, snack foods, tooth brushes, and toothpaste. The kids then packed those items in a two gallon bag and included a homemade crocheted hat.

Working together, great things can happen! The 24 bags, sleeping mats, and extra hats will soon be delivered to the inner-cities of Wichita and Kansas City.

Sawyer Levin shows off her bag that she is packing.

Addison Molzahn and Cammy Hardacre add the waterproof gloves.

Abby Hardacre and Lexi Bienhoff work together.

The group poses with their 24 bags.

Back: Jarek Meyer and Jack Molzahn; Middle: Lexi Beinhoff, Avery Levin, Cammy Hardacre, Addie Molzahn, Abby Hardacre, and Maycee Westbrook; Front: Conner Molzahn, Adam Abbott, Jenna Molzahn, and Sawyer Levin.

Kensington Library News

School is back in session and we are back to regular hours of operation. For the winter months, we are open until 6:00pm on Monday nights; open from 8:00am to 4:00pm Tuesday through Friday and still open Saturdays from 9:00am to 2:00pm.

We do offer curbside assistance for those needing to social distance. Give us a call at 785-476-2219 for book requests and to schedule a pickup.

Weekly Inspirations

Too many people miss the sunshine of today because they focus on the clouds of yesterday. - Phil Wallace

Every day brings new choices. - Martha Beck

Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. - Eddie Cantor

Send Me Your News!

Contact Erica at or 785-476-8185 with your news items. To see the full, in color version, visit


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