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News for 10/23/2024


KAYS is hosting a shoe and clothing drive for Soles4Souls organization as their world service project. The group will collect items from October 23-December 4. There will be collection boxes at KSC, the elementary/middle/high schools, as well as the local churches, including at TFC. 

Here is what Soles4Souls says about collecting items: Soles4Souls only accepts shoes and clothing that are new and gently used. Gently used means no obvious or significant wear and tear, no holes, no mud or excessive staining, or items with broken/missing parts.

Items collected will be shipped free of charge to the organization. They, in turn, offer the items to people trying to create and sustain small businesses. The trifold effect is: Education: there is an 87% improved quality education and regular attendance for their children; Leadership: 80% assumed at least one community leadership role; Health: 92% improved family health and nutrition. They help turn clothing and shoes into opportunities!

KAY Blood Drive

Plenty of open spots!! The first blood drive of the school year will be held on Thursday, October 31, at the high school. Please log onto to make your appointment or contact Robin Billings for help. You can reach Robin at or 785-476-7539. You donation makes a difference.

TR Schedule of Events


Wed. 23- 7:45-8:15am Bus Driver Appreciation Day @ MS 

Fri. 25- No School – P/T Exchange Day; 7pm HS FB @ Home vs Osborne

Sat. 26- HS XC Regional TBA

Mon. 28- 3:45pm MS BB Practice Begins

Wed. 30- Flu Shots and Vaccine clinic- Start at HS/GS then to MS; MS Honors Program in auditorium 3:15pm

Thur. 31- 4-6th Halloween Parade/Party 2:30pm; 2:45pm K-3rd Halloween Parade/Party; HS FB Bracket Cross District

Legion Friday Night 

Serving the regular menu items every Friday from 6-8pm and a special for $11. Call ahead your to–go orders at 785-476-3204. We hope to see you Friday night!  Also, open Sunday nights from 6-8pm offering burger baskets and a special, featured item.  

Kensington Library News

There is no school for USD 110 this Friday (18th) or next (25th). So we will be open from 9am to 2pm both Fridays. We also regret to inform that the Kensington Community Library Board will NOT host the Halloween Trunk-or-Treat event this year. 

News items needed

Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at


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