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News for 11/15/2023 Veteran's Parade - WITH SLIDE SHOW AT THE END

Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner

The Kensington American Legion will host the annual Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 25th at 12:00 Noon.  Turkey or Ham, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, dinner roll will be served. Plates, silverware, napkins, coffee/tea/water will be provided for all guests.

Please BRING: a salad, side dish, or dessert. Free Will Donations will be taken at the door. Everyone is welcome, bring the whole family for good food and great fellowship.

Veterans Day Parade 2023 Winners

Church Category: 1. First St. John Preschool

School Category: 1. Class of 2027-Freshmen; 2. Thunder Ridge Marching Band; 3. Class of 2026-Sophomores

Business Category: 1. Tom & Jo Vacura; 2. Phillips Co. Health Systems; 3. Insurance Smart

Organization Category: 1. Busy Bees 4H; 2. Terry Knight North Platte Shrine Club; 3. Grauerholz Family Marine Corp Memorial

Miscellaneous Category: 1. KHS Class of 1971; 2. Ijean, Irene, and Doug Hilbrink; 3. Kyle Barnes

TR Schools Schedule of Events

Wed. 15- 9:30am FFA Food Science @ Wakeeney

Thur. 16- 4pm MS BB Home vs St. John’s-Tipton

Mon. 20- 4pm MS BB @ Logan-Palco

Tue. 21- Early Dismissal @ 12:15pm for Thanksgiving BREAK 

Wed. 22-Fri. 24: NO SCHOOL

Thur. 30- 4pm MS BB Home vs Natoma

Thunder Ridge students attended the Northwest District KMEA Junior High Honor Band and Choir at Hays High School on November 4.  Back row: Heath Hopson, Cameron Hardacre, Tate Foreman, Aadyn Blank, Addie Molzahn.  Front Row:  Brayden Moravec, Caydence Jensen, Kaden Werle, and Danny Ferguson.

Back row: Sponsor Robin  Billings, LyNece Stokesbury, Jennifer Jones, sponsor Otis Hendryx, JJ Brandon. Front row: Olivia Runion, Jimmu Gower attended the KAY Regional Conference in Norton Nov 6. 

Destynee Coomes, Ali Rhea, Brooklyn Stauffer, Michael Ferguson, Kamryn Rietzke, Khloe Reimer, Peyton Tweedy, and Irene Tilton helped deliver meals the morning before the parade. 

Ali, Kamryn, Khloe, and Peyton help make sandwiches to be delivered. 

2023 KAY Regional Conference

Five members of the Thunder Ridge KAY Club attended the Area 4 KAY Regional Conference on November 6, at Norton High School. 

The club received the Gold Award, recognizing their student leadership and service to their school, community, nation, and world for the 2022-23 school year. 

The Kansas Association for Youth (KAY) is a character-building, leadership training program directed by the Kansas State High School Activities Association. This nationally acclaimed organization prices students an opportunity to learn to assume their citizenship responsibilities and to enrich their personalities through  well organized programs. These programs emphasize four areas of service: school, community, nation, and world. 

The theme for the 2023 Regional Conference was “Leadership Roundup”! This conference affords opportunities for student leaders and sponsors from neighboring clubs to share successes and challenges, as well as exchange ideas. Sessions in leadership training and organizational skills are also offered. These conferences inspire delegates to return to their clubs to challenge their local members. Local KAY members attending the Regional Conference were: LyNece Stokesbury, Jennifer Jones, Olivia Runion, Jimmy Gower, and John J Braden. Accompanying the group were Robin Billings and Otis Hendryx as the club’s sponsors. 

FHSU Math Relays

On Thursday, November 9, 2023, the following students attended Fort Hays State University 44th Math Relays.  Samuel Baker, Jasmine Ferguson, Brillon McDowell, and Hannah Nelson represented the Freshman Class.  Michael Ferguson, Olivia Runnion, Evan Slavik, and Irene Tilton represented the Sophomore Class.  Jimmy Escobar Orellana, Jennifer Galicia-Banuelos, and, Christian Garcia represented the Junior Class.  Jennifer Jones, Kamryn Rietzke, Brooklyn Stauffer, and LyNece Stokesbury represented the Senior Class.  

The Sophomore Team of Michael Ferguson, Evan Slavik, and Irene Tilton earned a bronze medal in Event 1, Using Number Sense.  Freshman Brillon McDowell earned a tenth placement in Event 1, Using Number Sense individual category.  The Sophomore Team of Michael Ferguson, Evan Slavik, and Irene Tilton earned a seventh placement in Event 3, Algebraic Manipulations.  The Eleventh Grade Team of Jimmy Escobar Orellana, Jennifer Galicia-Banuelos, and Christian Garcia earned sixth place in Event 5, Applications of Algebra, Arithmetic.  The Sophomore Team of Michael Ferguson, Evan Slavik, and Irene Tilton earned an eighth placement in Event 6, Calculations with Calculators.  

There were forty-eight (48) schools and six hundred one (601) students registered for the Math Relays.  Thank you to our bus driver Milton Detwiller.  He was a great help in getting students to Palco Scholars Bowl that same day.  It’s always a pleasure to travel with our students.  Congratulations Thunder Ridge!  Well done!

Mat Makers to Meet

Mat Makers will meet this coming Saturday the 18th of November. We will meet from nine to noon.

Lions Club Serves

Thanks to all who supported the Kensington Lions Club by donating and coming to eat pancakes, eggs, and sausage on Sunday morning, November 12.  The Club had 19 volunteers who served 203 people.  Kensington Lions Club serves!

Friday Night at the Legion

This week at the Kensington American Legion our specials will be cheesy sausage potato soup or our shrimp basket. We will have our regular menu items as well and our kitchen hours are from 6-8.  You can call 785-476-3204 to place your order to go.  We want to thank everyone for a wonderful attendance to our Veteran's Day festivities.  It was greatly appreciated!


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