News for 11/25/2020 Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Legion Will Not Serve Thanksgiving Meal
The American Legion in Kensington regrets to inform that due to Covid concerns they will not be able to hold the annual community Thanksgiving meal this year. We hope to see everyone next year! Stay safe.
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
November 29, 2020 is the night you don't want to miss! The Club will be lighting up downtown Kensington with all the new Christmas lights!
**Instructions: Please be parked on Main Street in the one block between the city office corner and the bank corner on either side no later than 5:30pm. The lights will be turned on promptly at 5:30 with a Live Nativity Parade to follow. Next, will be the free drive-thru dinner! You can pick up your dinner in the alleyway on the east side of the Kensington Community Store driving north. Kids- be watching for Santa!!
It's that time of year again!! Start getting those Christmas lights and decorations put up outside while you can! The Kensington Commercial/Community Club will have a contest again this year. The top three win prizes: 1st place $100, 2nd place $75, and 3rd place $50; to be used at local merchants. If you live outside of the city limits, call the Insurance Smart office to get on the list to be judged: Darin McDowell or Melissa Westbrook at 476-3298. Judging will take place December 20 from 5-7pm.
Ktown Kates Met
The November 9, 2020 meeting for the Ktown Kates was held at Kensington Senior Citizens. Doris Wiens opened with roll call answered by 6 members naming their favorite day of the week. A treasurer’s report was given and approved.
Georgetta reported that 14 family and single units participated in the November food pantry. Appreciation was expressed for the many food donations. On November 21 the THIRD SATURDAY of the month, the additional food pantry workers will be Joyce and Barbara. The workers for December 19th food pantry will be the officers: Donna W, Donna J, Doris, and Deb B.
Plans were finalized for the Christmas party. It will be Sunday, December 6, 2020 at the Kensington Senior Center with social time at 5:30 and dinner served at 6:00. Appetizers and desserts will be provided by members. The officers will make a punch and Loretta will be in charge of the table favors. There will be a $10 grab bag gift exchange for the men and the ladies. All members are asked to call an officer by November 27 to verify the count for the catered meal.
The meeting adjourned and dessert was served by JoLynn.
Thunder Ridge Important Dates
Wed. 25-27: No School – Thanksgiving Break
Thur. 3- MS BB @ St. John’s-Tipton Beloit 4:00 lv @ 1:50
Mon. 7- Dismiss @ 2:30 – Teacher In Service; No MS Practice; K-3rd & HS Christmas Program at Ktown 7:00pm
Thur. 10- MS BB @ Northern Valley (Almena) 4:00pm/ lv @ 2:40pm
Mon. 14- 4th-8th Christmas Program 7:00 @ MS – No MS BB practice
Thur. 17- MS BB @ Lakeside (Cawker City) 4:00pm/ lv @ 2:20
Fri. 18- End of 2nd Qtr; Dismiss @ 12:15pm for Christmas Break
20 – 26: Holiday Non-Practice Dates
21 – 31: No School – Christmas Break
St John Lutheran SS Kids Pack Shoeboxes
Each year, the kids of St. John Lutheran Church look forward to packing shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child (but the kids just call it the “shoebox project”). This year, the kids got an early start and packed boxes weeks ago so they could ensure the project got completed. This year 52 boxes were filled and then delivered to the Phillipsburg TFC office this past Sunday. This was the office’s 12th year of being a collection site. This in itself has been a blessing. The church used to have to take them to Salina to be dropped off; then Kearney was made a drop off site. Phillipsburg is much more convenient!
The kids are also excited about a new option of tracking boxes. In the past, they just hoped to receive a letter from a recipient, which rarely happened due to the hardship of correspondence. This year, the church paid for many boxes online and scanned the boxes’ QR codes. This will allow the kids to track where their boxes go. They are super excited to find out the boxes’ destinations. The spirit of giving is definitely in the air!!

LeHart “Lee” Gemaehlich, 86, passed away on November 17,2020 in his home in Dodge City, Ks. Lee was born June 25, 1934 in Kensington, Ks. and was the first born to Norma L. (Dettmer) and Hardy F. Gemaehlich.
Lee attended Grade School and High School in Kensington and proudly graduated as a Kensington Goldbug. Lee was a family man to his core. He was a loving husband, daddy, grandpa and great grandpa,as he built a solid family legacy.
He is survived by his wife, Cathy; daughter LeAnn Yost and husband Doug of Overland Park, Ks.; son, Dean Gemaehlich and wife Kathy of Dodge City, Ks.; Three grandchildern and three great-grandchildern. Also three sisters; Carolyn and Stan Billings, Gean Ragland, Twila and Jay Hickman. Lee’s first love was his family, who he deeply treasured.
Funeral Mass will be at 10:00 am, Monday at the church in Dodge City. Burial will be Tuesday at 11:00 am, at St. John Lutheran Cemetry, Kensington, Ks.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials to Hospice of the Prairie; American Cancer Society, or American Heart Association all in care of Ziegler Funeral Chapel, 1901 N. 14th Ave., Dodge City, Ks. 67801
Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell)