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News for 12/2/2020

2nd Annual Old Fashioned Christmas Event

The City of Kensington enjoyed a wonderful evening Sunday, November 29, with the Old Fashioned Christmas and lighting ceremony. Members of the Kensington Commercial/Community Club are appreciated for all of their hard work in making this a memorable event. Many families enjoyed watching the live nativity parade and the children were able to see Santa from their cars. A free meal served by the Kensington Community Store was boxed to-go and the tasty cookie kits from Santa were a hit at home after.

Live nativity scene at the 2nd Annual Old Fashioned Christmas in Kensington event.

Live animals were even a part of the nativity parade on Main Street Sunday night.

Pictured are paper wreaths in the American Legion dining room which represent the donations collected.

Wreaths Across America

The Kensington American Legion and Auxiliary are participating in the Wreaths Across America, which is a national organization who honor veterans at cemeteries. This endeavor is new for the legion and in 2 months have raised enough money to decorate 245 grave stones in local cemeteries. You may have seen pictures of the wreaths that decorate the graves in Arlington. This is the same organization that we will belong to. On December 19th, we will have a small breakfast at the legion hall at 9:30am and then proceed to the First St. John Lutheran Church cemetery for our ceremony at 11 am. Once the wreaths are placed, people who purchased wreaths can take theirs to the respective graves and decorate their loved ones. This ceremony will be taking place nation wide at the same time.

The wreaths will be delivered the week of December 13th to the legion via truck from a place in Maine that makes them all. If you get a chance, look them up on the web and read about the organization.

The Legion and Auxiliary members want to thank everyone for your help in making our first year a success. We will be having suppers/fundraisers throughout the year to help in being able decorate all veteran’s graves like we do at Memorial Day.

Thunder Ridge School News

It was announced Tuesday, November 24, 2020, that the Kansas High School Activities Association has voted for winter sports to begin on schedule. However, no fans will be allowed to attend high school or middle school games between the dates of December 1 to January 28. With no spectators, there will not be concessions for the TR ball games. All games will be live streamed on the facebook pages.

This Friday, December 4, will be a 5:00pm start for Girls Varsity followed by Boys Varsity--no JV.

Next week, there will be home games on Tuesday 8 and Friday 11. The game at Lakeside on Saturday has been cancelled because they are unable to play.

Thunder Ridge Important Dates

DECEMBER (these events are subject to change)

Thur. 3- MS BB @ St. John’s-Tipton (Beloit) has been CANCELLED

Fri. 4- HS BB vs Chase @ Home (Kensington) 5:00pm

Mon. 7- Dismiss @ 2:30pm – Teacher In-Service; No MS Practice; *Note that the K-3rd & HS Christmas Program will now be recorded for viewing (no audience)

Tues. 8- HS BB @ Home (Kensington) 4:00pm

Thur. 10- MS BB @ Northern Valley (Almena) 4:00pm/ lv @ 2:40pm

Fri. 11- HS BB @ Home (Kensington) 4:00pm

Mon. 14- *Note that the 4th-8th Christmas Program will now be recorded for viewing (no audience)

Tues. 15- HS BB @ Natoma 4:00pm

Thur. 17- MS BB @ Lakeside (Cawker City) 4:00pm/ lv @ 2:20pm

Fri. 18- End of 2nd Qtr; Dismiss @ 12:15pm for Christmas Break

20 – 26: Holiday Non-Practice Dates

21 – 31: No School – Christmas Break

Weekly Inspirations

No matter how bad something may seem, there are always, always, many things to be grateful for. - Unknown

Remember the time you thought you never could survive? You did, and you can do it again. - Unknown

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. - Zeno of Citium

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Contact Erica at or 785-476-8185 with your news items. To see the full, in color version, visit


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