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News for 12/21/22

Pictured are: Annie Adams, Trinity Coomes, Brooklyn Stauffer, Michael Ferguson.

TR Attended KMEA Honor Ensembles

Thunder Ridge students participated in the Northwest District KMEA honor ensembles at Fort Hays State University on Saturday, December 3rd. Breckyn McDowell and Danny Ferguson participated in the honor elementary choir. Trinity Coomes participated in the high school choir. Brooklyn Stauffer and Michael Ferguson participated in the high school band.

McDowell, Annie Adams, Danny Ferguson.

TR Schools Schedule of Events

Dec 21, 2022 – Jan 2, 2023: Christmas Break - No School

Tue. January 3- HS BB @ Kensington vs Osborne 4:30pm

Wed. Jan. 4- School Resumes; 3:15pm MS Honors Program in Auditorium

Thur. 5- 3:00pm MS BB @ Home vs Southern Cloud

Mon. 9- 4:00pm MS BB @ Natoma

Tue. 10- HS BB @ Home vs Lakeside 4:30pm

Wed. 11- Nex-Gen Career Exploration On-Line Career Fair for 7th /8th @ MS 8:30-10:30am

Thur. 12- 4:00pm MS BB @ Home vs Rock Hills

Fri. 13- HS BB NPL Tourn. @ Lincoln TBA

Sat. 14- KAYS Winter Formal

Legion Friday Night

Friday night, December 23, we will offer Taco Soup and a dollar off the Cheeseburger basket. Regular menu items available as usual and you can always call ahead for carry-out orders. Call 785-476-3204 to have your order ready for pick up. Hope to see you Friday!

Kensington Library News

With the Christmas Vacation for USD 110, we will offer modified hours for December 21 through January 3. Open from 9am-2pm Wednesday, Dec. 21 through Friday 23.

CLOSED: Sat. 24-Mon. 26. Open from 9am-2pm Tuesday, Dec. 27 through Friday 30.

CLOSED: Sat. 31-Sun. 1. Open 2-7pm Monday, Jan. 2; 9am-2pm Tuesday, Jan. 3. School and normal business hours resume Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

We are grateful to have some generous donations this holiday season. We appreciate those who have been so kind and thoughtful: Connie Gordon for sharing her Christmas caroler decorations, Teresa & Donna Levin for the lovely carved Santa and reindeer Christmas decorations, and Melba Hagman for the wonderful puzzles we will soon have available for checkout. We also are thankful for the numerous book donations made throughout the year.

Weekly Inspiration

Just a reminder that having faith will always allow you to rise higher than the struggle and love stronger than the pain. The power to do so is within you, always, even if you don't feel it.

News items needed

Reminder: Please send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) by SUNDAY afternoon. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at


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