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News for 12/8/2021

Wreath Ceremony Wreaths Across America is inviting everyone for the laying of the Wreaths on December 18th. There will be a breakfast served beforehand and the ceremony will take place at the St. John Lutheran Church cemetery (north). The breakfast starts at 8am at the American Legion and the ceremony will follow at 11am. We'd love to have anyone interested to join us. Holiday Open House You are invited to the Kensington Community/Senior Center for a Holiday Open House on Friday, December 17, from 9:30-11:00 am. Coffee and cookies will be provided and special drawings will be held. Home Charitable Foundation The Foundation has established the following recognition levels for gifts. A donation of $25,000 provides for a permanent named annual grant. These endowed grants will be awarded perpetually providing a powerful legacy to the community both now and in the future. These grants will be awarded annually starting in 2022 and will be published on Facebook and the local papers. Our first named grant was funded with the generosity of John and Kim Levin to honor and memorialize Evelyn and Arnold "Tarzan" Levin. A gift of $5,000 to the endowment will be recognized with the donor’s name being placed on an honorary, yet to be designed, stone. We are building for the future and creating a permanent organization to support Kensington and the surrounding areas. What better way to ensure the memory of a loved one? If you are interested in cementing a loved one's legacy in Kensington please contact the board today. A list of all donors, regardless of amount, will be updated annually and displayed by the fundraising thermometer. If you would like to keep Kensington thriving please plan to donate. We are all beneficiaries of those who have come before us! Mat Makers This group will meet again on Saturday, December 11, from 9-noon, at St. John Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome to come see how we make plastic bags into sleeping mats for the homeless. American Legion in Kensington Reminder that the Legion serves supper every Friday night. You can enjoy the special or order sandwiches, salads, and fries off the menu. With the colder weather, soups will be served as well. The special for this Friday is Baked Million Dollar Spaghetti with a side salad and garlic bread. The special also comes with a dessert! Chicken noodle soup is the soup of the night. Stop in or call 785-476-3204 between 6-8pm. Also, on New Year’s Eve the legion will be open for a soup supper. The soup will be provided along with table wear and tea, coffee, water. If the public would like to attend, please bring a side, sandwich, or dessert. The kitchen will be closed. Everyone is welcome and if you'd like, you can stay and play cards and games. KAYS Winter Jam On Saturday, December 4, children of the community, ages Pre K - 6th, were invited to join in the fun! Thunder Ridge High School KAYS hosted Winter Jam at the High School gym in Kensington. This event was also a party for the KAY organization celebrating its 75th Birthday! Girls enjoyed getting their hair styled, manicures and crafts. Boys were playing sports and other games. KAYS will hold another, similar event this spring. Thunder Ridge Ballgames & Important Dates Thur. 9- Transportation meeting 8:00am @ MS; MS BB @Agra vs Northern Valley 4:00pm Fri. 10- HS BB Tournament @ Stockton 6pm Sat. 11- HS BB Tournament @ Stockton 3pm Mon. 13- 4-8 Christmas Music Program @ MS 7:00pm; No MS BB practice Tue. 14- HS BB @ Home vs Natoma 5pm Wed. 15- HS Finals - Odd Thur. 16- HS Finals - Even; MS BB @Agra vs Lakeside 4:00pm Fri. 17- End of Quarter 2; 12:15pm Early Dismissal for Christmas Break Dec. 20-31: No School – Christmas Break Mon. January 3: School Resumes Tue. 4- HS BB @ Osborne 4pm Wed. 5- MS Honors Program in Auditorium 3:15pm Thurs. 6- MS BB @ Southern Cloud (Glasco) 3:00pm Sat. 8- 8:30pm KAYS Winter Formal Weekly Inspiration May we all carry a bit more empathy for each other in our hearts right now, including ourselves. It is the season of giving. Consider giving more than material items. Let's give away more things that cost nothing - like love, forgiveness, peace, and kindness. News items needed Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at


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