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News for 12/9/2020

Sam Rice, mission committee chair, Kyler Seemann, Maycee Westbrook, Morgan Westbrook, and Kendra Billings (members of KFC) present the check.

Sean Anderson, representative of VCP.

St. John Lutheran Donates to VCP

The Veteran’s Community Project has been near and dear to the heart of St John Lutheran for the past few years. The youth group, Kids For Christ, has taken two mission trips to the Kansas City’s VCP site over the past three years. They didn’t go this past summer because of Covid but plan on returning to help again this next summer.

After the first mission trip in 2018, the church decided to make VCP their annual mission project. Fundraisers were held and donations were given throughout the year. A $25,000 donation was given to the KC location after the first year. The church then decided to continue to focus on VCP for a second year. This past Sunday the church zoomed with Sean Anderson who is in charge of VCP’s newest site in Longmont, CO. He spoke to the congregation about the continuing need to help the homeless veterans. VCP offers assistance to all veterans, regardless of their length of service or discharge situation.

They offer a wide variety of services, from job skill training, cooking classes, dental care, drug abuse counseling, medical care, bus passes, and a “tiny house” to live in until the vets can transition to their own homes.

Once a veteran can “graduate” and live on their own (the average stay is 16 months), veterans can take anything from the tiny house (appliances, beds...) with them to help with the transition. Transition to permanent housing for these veterans, through VCP, has a success rate of 93%. VCP continues to support these vets for 1-2 years after they leave their tiny house.

Despite the youth group’s trip being canceled this past summer, the church continued their efforts to raise money for the Longmont location. This past Sunday, the church gave a $20,000 donation to Sean, via zoom. The church will continue to raise/collect money for VCP until June. St John has sponsored a tiny home in Longmont and will give the remaining amount needed (a total of $35,000) at that time.

Kensington has a strong pride in showing support for our veterans. St. John feels blessed to be able to take on this project!

TOPS Reminder

Although the Athol chapter of TOPS (Taking Pounds Off Sensibly) will not be holding our regular meetings at the Trinity Ag Co-op in Athol, due to the recent surge in Covid 19 cases, we would like to remind everyone there is helpful information available at We wish everyone a blessed Christmas season and a safe and healthy New year, and look forward to being able to see our friends and neighbors in person before much longer. Together, we will get through this!

Thunder Ridge School News

It was announced Tuesday, November 24, 2020, that the Kansas High School Activities Association has voted for winter sports to begin on schedule. However, no fans will be allowed to attend high school or middle school games between the dates of December 1 to January 28. With no spectators, there will not be concessions for the TR ball games. All games will be live streamed on the facebook pages.

There will be home games on Tuesday 8 and Friday 11. The game at Lakeside on Saturday has been cancelled because they are unable to play.

Thunder Ridge Important Dates

DECEMBER (these events are subject to change)

Thur. 10- MS BB @ Northern Valley (Almena) 4:00pm/ lv @ 2:40pm

Fri. 11- HS BB @ Home (Kensington) 4:00pm

Mon. 14- *Note that the 4th-8th Christmas Program will now be recorded for viewing (no audience)

Tues. 15- HS BB @ Natoma 4:00pm

Thur. 17- MS AR Party in the afternoon (in house movies); MS BB @ Lakeside (Cawker City) 4:00pm/ lv @ 2:20pm

Fri. 18- End of 2nd Qtr; MS Christmas Caroling around Agra; Dismiss @ 12:15pm for Christmas Break

20 – 26: Holiday Non-Practice Dates

21 – 31: No School – Christmas Break

Weekly Inspirations

Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today. - Doe Zantamata

When you close the door of your mind to negative thoughts, the door of opportunity opens to you. - Napoleon Hill

You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it. - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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