News for 2/12/02
Spaghetti Dinner & Cheer on the Longhorns!
This Friday, February 14th, the TR Longhorns will host Tescott at home, games starting at 4:00pm. No need to cook! Treat your sweetheart/spouse to a spaghetti dinner for Valentine’s Day. The Junior Class will be serving the meal and also holding a special gift basket drawing with various themed baskets to bid on. Plan to come eat and watch some basketball this Friday, February 14!
Valentine’s Supper
The Kensington American Legion is taking reservations for a special Valentine’s Supper on Saturday, February 15, from 6:00 to 7:30pm. Serving grilled steak, 3 shrimp, baked potato, salad, bread, dessert, and choice of wine, coffee, tea or water. Plates are $18 for a single or $35 per couple. *Reservations are needed. Please call: the Legion after 6pm at 785-476-3204, Kim 785-656-2276 (leave msg), or Julie 785-543-4108 (leave msg).
Fireman’s Soup Dinner
Sunday, February 16th, at the American Legion in Kensington, the Fire Department will hold a soup dinner fundraiser. Chili, vegetable, and potato soups will be served along with relishes and desserts. Free will donations to benefit the equipment fund. Please remember our Fire Department is solely volunteer and your contributions are important.
TR Steering Committee Minutes
February 3, 2020 6:00 pm at Prairie Haven, Kensington
Treasurer’s Report: $5196.82. Recent purchases reviewed Books to Elementary classrooms, Headphones for elementary school, Treats for Football team and JH Basketball teams.
Old Business: TRMS Book Fair will be coming up. Decided to purchase a book for each teacher/classroom. Michelle will take care of this and contact Mrs. Lowe regarding dates of the book fair.
Thunder Ridge School Carnival will be March 27, 2020 at Agra. Dinner will be hosted with proceeds going to Post Prom. Dan and Jeff will manage the dinner and Michelle and Melissa will get sign-up sheet for food. Melissa will send an email to all staff regarding the carnival and asking for any new ideas and help with working the carnival.
Substate/State Basketball - donation given to teams discussed. Tabled and will decide when/if teams make it to substate/state.
Dan motioned to give donation to Kensington American Legion of $100 for use of facilities for team meals and also a $50 gift card to KCS to Kim Terrill for her assistance in team meals. All voted yes. Michelle will get these.
New Business: Request from TR staff for steering committee to provide a treat to all students taking state assessment tests. Approximately 117 students. Ideas were discussed, decided to purchase granola bars and place a saying on them for all students to be distributed by the teachers. Michelle and Melissa will take care of this.
Request for headphones in the elementary school for each student to have own headphones with ipad use in the classrooms. Voted to give $400 to Thunder Ridge Elementary for purchase of headphones. These funds will come from proceeds from the TR Carnival.
Record board updates in the HS were discussed. Ideas of updates current boards and reworking the boards discussed. Dan and Jeff will remove current record boards at the HS and get estimates from Sign Solutions to update and rework the boards to have them updated.
Next Meeting will be April 6, 2020 at Prairie Haven. Election of officers for 2020-21 will be held.

50th Annual Youth For Music
Cloud County Community College and Tom’s Music House of Concordia presented the 50th Annual Youth for Music event on Saturday, February 8. Band and choir students from 12 area schools performed at the Brown Grand Theatre in downtown Concordia. Attending from Thunder Ridge High School were: Juniors Jacob Barnes and Caleb Dodds, Sophomores Paul Ferguson, Abigail Hardacre and Leland McGuire, Freshmen Trinity Coomes and Alexis Holling. Pictured also K-12 music instructor Mrs. Annie Adams and music assistant Mrs. Dixie Engelke.
Eleven members of the Thunder Ridge High School KAY Club recently attended a KAY Unit Conference on Wednesday, February 5th, at Northern Valley High School in Almena, KS. Accompanying the group were their sponsors, Kathi Boden and Robin Billings.
KAY (Kansas Association for Youth) Unit Conferences bring neighboring KAY clubs together in a non-competitive environment, providing the opportunity to share service projects and program ideas. The theme for the unit conferences is “Superfantastic Heroes.” The Unit Conference is designed to focus on club leadership at the local level in addition to developing teamwork as everyone participates in a conference service project. Conference delegates return to their clubs refreshed and focused to end the school year by finishing all planned projects and functions.
The Kansas Association for Youth is a character-building, leadership program directed by the Kansas State High School Activities Association. This nationally acclaimed organization provides students an opportunity to learn to assume their citizenship responsibilities and to enrich their personalities through well-organized programs. These programs emphasis four areas of service: school, community, nation and world.
Throughout the 2019-2020 school year, the Thunder Ridge High School KAYS have been actively involved in the following service projects: Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat, Breast Cancer Awareness Night, Block the Doors Food Pantry Drive, made door decorations for the Nursing Home, hosted Volleyball Fun Night, and have hosted American Red Cross Blood Drives.

KAY Members who attended Unit Conference are Brittany Atchison, Jaden Boden, Ivy Corbett, Brennan Kirchhoff, Maggie Nech, Reece Struckhoff, Iva Rust, Madelyn Davis, Raini Hrabe, JaCea Reece, and Sydni Rust.

TRHS Hosts Mini-Cheerleader Camp
Twenty-eight energetic future cheerleaders attended the Thunder Ridge High School Mini-Cheer Camp the morning of Saturday, February 1st. The gym was full of spirit, smiles, and giggles and girls aged preschool through 6th grade learned cheers, played, made crafts, and practiced kicks and jumps. Attending were: Preschoolers – Jenna Molzahn, Kenzi Grauerholz, Harbor Tweedy, Hadley Shaffer, Sawyer Levin, Ada Synoground, Tamzlyn Hunter; Kindergartners – Zoey Hadley, Lexi Grauerholz, Carmen Koch, Summer Gordon-Stone; 1st graders – Destyni Coomes, Kassie Wagenblast, Jorgia Wiehman; 2nd graders – Breckyn McDowell, Dani Holling, Emma Cole, Becca Epple, Gracyn Ritter; 3rd graders – Emma Dixon, Ja-Niyah Porter; 4th graders – Addison Molzahn, Cameron Hardacre; 5th graders – Hannah Nelson, Jocelyn Ritter, Jasmine Gordon-Stone, Kaydence Dodds; 6th grader – Keara Dodds. The girls will perform Friday, February 14th at the half-time of the Thunder Ridge vs. Franklin Boys Varsity Basketball game. The 2019-2020 TRHS cheerleaders are: Jaden Boden, Ivy Corbett, Caley Panter, Casandra Gibson, Mya Hoersdig, Mariana Escobar, Remi Martin and JaCea Reece.
Thunder Ridge Calendar Events
Wed. 12- HS Play Dress Rehearsal @ 9:30am MS auditorium
Thurs. 13- Blood Drive @ TRHS from 9:00am to 3:00pm in the science lab
Fri. 14- HS BB vs Tescott @ 4:00pm; Mini Cheerleaders will perform; Spaghetti Dinner provided by the Junior Class
Mon. 17- Dismiss @ 2:30 for Teacher In-Service; No MS practice or TR Academy; HS BB @ Hill City 4:00pm
Tue. 18- MS Scholar’s Bowl @ Pike Valley (Courtland) 4:00pm; Senior Parent Night for the Home HS BB game vs Lincoln 4:00pm
Fri. 21- HS BB @ Rock Hills (Mankato) 4:00pm
Sat. 22- Youth BB Tourney at MS & HS; HS Play @ 7:00pm MS auditorium
Sun. 23- HS Play @ 5:00pm MS auditorium; National FFA Week 2/23-2/29
Mon. 24- Regional BB
Tue. 25- Juniors ACT Testing Day; Regional BB
Weekly Inspiration
Hurting someone else will not ease your pain, but being kind will. - Unknown
Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak. - Unknown