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News for 2/26/20

Your Help to Honor is Requested

This coming Saturday, Feb 29th, the American Legion Riders from post 166 have been requested to assist in escorting one of the last survivors of the USS Arizona, Donald J. Stratton, home to rest in Red Cloud, Nebraska. The Riders will join the procession in Phillipsburg and proceed Eastbound along Highway 36 to the Highway 218

Lebanon junction, and then North towards Red Cloud on Highway 281. They should be traveling through Kensington at approximately 7:15 to 7:30 pm. Please come and show your support to honor Donald J. Stratton on his final journey home.

Quilt Display at the Kensington Library

Did you know March is National Quilting Month and that March 21 is National Quilting Day? National Quilting Day celebrates quilts, and those who make them, annually on the third Saturday in March. The National Quilting Association started National Quilting Day in 1991. It is a day that is celebrated around the country with special quilting shows, classes, open museums and much more. This is a day to appreciate and to recognize quilt makers, along with all of their long labor, love and skill that goes into the making of each quilt.

Visit the Kensington Community/School Library during the month of March to view the beautiful quilt display shared with us by the wonderful ladies of the local, Prairie Treasures Quilt Guild. Library hours are: Monday from 8am to 8pm, Tuesday through Friday from 8am to 4pm, and Saturday from 9am to 2pm. Stop in and see these amazing works, and creative piecing together of colorful, artful patterns.

7th Annual NPL Art Show

Osborne - "NPL Art Show", featuring works by high school students from 12 area schools will open at the Osborne Public Library on Tuesday March 3. This exhibit runs through March 24, 2020. Area schools represented in this exhibit are: Chase, Glasco, Lakeside-Downs, Lincoln, Miltonvale, Osborne, Pike Valley-Scandia, Rock Hills-Mankato, Tescott, Thunder Ridge-Kensington, Sylvan and Wilson.

Categories for the art show are: Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Ink, Sculpture, Ceramics, Jewelry, Graphic Design, Pastel, Oil Pastel, Mixed Media, Graphite, Printmaking and Colored Pencil.

Judging this year’s show will be by Tammy Dreiling from Hays, Ks. An awards ceremony will be held Tuesday, March 24, at 10:00 a.m.

This exhibit is free and open to the public during the Osborne Public Library hours.  For more information call Barbara Carlin at Osborne High School, 785-346-2143.

Thunder Ridge Calendar Events


Tue. 25- Juniors ACT Testing Day; Regional BB

Thur. 27- PreK to visit Kindergarten @ 9:00am; MS Scholar’s Bowl @ Palco 4:00pm

*Regional BB Thurs. 27- Sat. 29

Sat. 29- MS Dance 7-10:00pm @ MS Cafeteria


Mon. 2- 2:30pm FFA Entomology/Poultry @ Hays

Tues. 3- NPL Art Show Begins @ Osborne; MS Scholar’s Bowl @ St. John’s- Beloit 4:00pm

Wed. 4- MS Honors Program @ 3:15pm in Auditorium at Agra

Fri. 6- End of 3rd Qtr

*Sub-State BB Thurs. 5- Sat. 7

Mon. 9- MS AR Party – Ice Skating in Kearney leave 8:20am, return 3:30pm; MS Book Fair

Tue. 10- 5th-8th to Smith Center for Speaker/Educator Presentation; MS Book Fair; K-8th Parent Information mtg. @ MS cafeteria 7:00pm

Wed. 11- 4th/5th Grade Cosmosphere @ MS 12:00-3:00pm

*State BB @ Dodge City March 11-14th

Thur. 12 & Fri. 13- Scholastic Book Fair @ TRMS

*Spring Break March 16-20th- No Classes

Weekly Inspiration

There's a lot that is good in your life, don't take it for granted. Don't get so focused on the struggles that you miss the gift of today. - Joel Osteen

Change is never painful. Only the resistance to change is painful. - Buddha

Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer


  1. Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library Erica Barnes 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell) Fill your mind with truth; fill your heart with love; and fill your life with service. - Thomas S. Monson


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