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News for 3/14/2021


We can be very proud of our Jr. and Sr. art students. Out of the 23 pieces we took to contest, 7 received awards. These are as follows:

First Place award to Mya Hoersdig - In MIXED MEDIA - Batik, “Birdworks”

Second Place awards to Paul Ferguson- 3-D DESIGN - “Wire Tree”; JaCea Reece - WATERCOLOR - “Rainbow of Tears”

Third Place awards to Mya Hoersdig - WATERCOLOR - “Red Sun”; Ashley Bouchard - ACRYLIC - “Hawks”

Honorable Mentions: Kylie Reimer - MIXED MEDIA - Batik, “Sunflower Wave”; Paul Ferguson - 3-D DESIGN - Metal “Roll the Dice”.

We will be having a local art show displaying not only these pieces of Art, but many more artworks created by all this year’s High School Art students. This will be on Saturday, April 24th, at the High School, along with the Spring music concert. The Artwork will be on display in the Art Room. The Concert will be an outdoor celebration for 7th through 12th music and band students. There will be more details to follow.

As a special treat this year, the United Church of Kensington has requested a display of Student Artwork for their Spring Program -“Masterpiece”. Each person is a masterpiece, and they want to celebrate that. Everyone is invited to the Salad Supper at 6:30pm followed by a program, at the United Methodist Church. This will be on Wednesday April 28th.

United Women’s Salad Supper

The Kensington United Church Annual Women’s Salad Supper will be held Wednesday, April 28, 2021. Please bring your favorite salad and join in fellowship at 6:30pm. Location is the United Church Basement Fellowship Hall (elevator available for use on the south side of the church); address is 120 West Cedar, Kensington, KS. The program will specialize youth “Masterpieces” for your enjoyment. Please join us as we grow in our understanding of how each of us is a masterpiece made by God. Contact Mary Arment 476.3225 or Doris Wiens 476.3236 for more information.

KAYS Held Annual Rock and Roll

Each spring the TR KAYS sponsor a Giris Rock and Boys Roll event. Kansas Association for Youth is a program to build character, leadership, and a heart for service to others. So throughout the year, the group provides service to others in the community. Last year, the group could not host this event because of Covid so it was extra special to be able to provide this event to our communities' youth this year!

This event is one of the big service projects that qualifies the group for the Gold KAY Award each year. This year, 26 youth joined in the fun and spent the morning playing games, making crafts, and goofing off with the high school KAY members. The girls also get to have their hair curled and nails painted.

It’s important to provide opportunities for our older youth to be positive examples to our younger kids, and the KAYS don’t ever disappoint. Our KAY youth do a fantastic job of interacting and playing with the younger ones! We have an amazing group of high school youth!

The money raised with this event is always given away so the KAYS thank the parents who sent their kids and helped make this donation possible!

Maycee Westbrook and Sawyer Levin share big smiles after Maycee painted Sawyer’s finger nails.

Olin Brown playing corn-hole with Daniel Ferguson.

Trinity Coomes curling Miss Ada Synoground’s hair.

Mariana Escobar painting nails and a big grin from 2nd grader Destyni Coomes.

Raini Hrabe doing crafts with the girls. Sawyer Levin and Avery Burris making creations.

TRMS Calendar of Events


Thur. 15- 4th grade to Agra Library

Fri. 16- MS Track @ Logan (hosted by NV) 10:00am lv @ 8:30

Wed. 21- PTL Music @ Southern Cloud (Miltonvale) 8:30am (This will be Online); 5/6th to Water Jamboree @ Harlan Lake – Republican City, NE lv @ 8:30am

Thur. 22- MS Track @ Osborne 9:30am lv Ktown 7:20; Agra 7:30; Kirwin 7:45

Sat. 24- 7-12 Band/Choir Program 1:30pm – outside of the HS on the lawn

Tue. 27- MS Track @ Beloit 9:00am lv Ktown 6:40; Agra 6:50; Kirwin 7:00; No TR Academy

City Council Meetings

Kensington City Council meeting location has returned to the City Office. Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00pm. Any meeting date changes will be posted in advance. Reminder: Please notify the office by 9:00am on meeting days to be added to the agenda.

Kensington Library

Spring is here! The library has switched to spring hours and will now be open: Mondays from 8am-7pm, Tuesday through Friday from 8am-4pm, and Saturdays from 9am-2pm.

With USD #110 lifting the mask requirements for all staff and students, we are no longer requiring patrons to wear a mask. Masks will be optional and left to the discretion of the individual. We will still follow the other recommendations for social distancing, hand sanitizing, and washing hands.

Weekly Inspirations

If you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others. - Unknown

Over 90% of what we worry about never happens. - Unknown

Overthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. - Unknown

News items needed

Send your news to Erica at or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color edition online, visit the Kensington website at


Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell)


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