News for 4/6/2022 - PROM pics and Band Trip!
TRHS Prom 2022
Thunder Ridge High held their Prom on Saturday, April 2, 2022. The tradition of pictures at the roadside park was followed by dinner, then promenade. The dance began at 9:00pm and post prom festivities were enjoyed by all into the early morning hours. Thank you to all the school staff, parents, and students for their contributions to making this fabulous night possible.

Seniors (Class of 2022)

Juniors (Class of 2023)

Sophomores (Class of 2024)

Freshmen (Class of 2025)
TRHS Band Trip
Monday, March 28, the High School Band went on a college visit. It was an excellent day for the band to work with Kyle Hopkins, the Associate Professor of Music and Director of Bands, at McPherson College. Our students learned some new techniques and enjoyed a college tour too. Thanks, McPherson College for such great hospitality!

Group photo of the TRHS band.

Professor Kyle Hopkins instructing the TRHS band.
Buckle Up
Some of the Thunder Ridge SAFE members (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) came to the elementary school last week to promote wearing a seatbelt. Members visited with students and asked if they wore their seat belts when they rode in a car. They also explained the importance of wearing a seatbelt and encouraged them to wear one every time they were in a vehicle.
The SAFE members then placed a duct tape seatbelt on the students’ shirts to represent a real seatbelt. They hoped this would be a visual reminder for the kids to buckle-up when they are passengers and to remind their drivers to buckle-up as well.

Saige Kirchhoff, Nick Hohner, Paul Ferguson, and Liam Corbett visited the TRES students to teach about buckling up.

Saige Kirchhoff making a seat belt for Harbor Tweedy.

Zoey Hadley, Lexi Grauerholz, and Jewel Ferguson showing off their seatbelts.
KAYS Decorate
The KAYS made summer door decorations for the residents of Sunporch and Smith Center Health and Rehab at their monthly meeting. Spring decorations were just delivered a few weeks ago, so the club decided to get a jump start on a summer themed decoration. The RWB wind sock will brighten the doors and bring a summer flair to the residents’ rooms.
Alexis Holling and Ezekiel McGuire showing their finished product,
Hunter Gitchel and Trinity Coomes assembling their red, white, and blue wind socks.
Thunder Ridge Calendar of Events
KAYS will host a Blood Drive in the High School gym at Kensington on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Appointments are available between 9am and 3pm. Sign up is available online at or through the high school office (785-476-2217). Make plans to donate and help save a life!
Thur. 7- MS Track @ Norton 9:30am, lv @ 8:00
Fri. 8- MS Mid-Terms sent home with students
Sat. 9- HS Regional solo/small Ensemble Contest @ Concordia
Tue. 12- MS Track @ Stockton 10:00am; HS Track @ Smith Center 3pm
Thur. 14- MS Track @ Logan (hosted by NV) 2:00pm; HS Track @ Hill City 3pm
Fri. 15- No School – Good Friday
Mon. 18- No School – Easter Break
Wed. 20- PTL Music @ Southern Cloud (Miltonvale) 8:30am; KAYS Blood Drive in gym
Kensington Library
The regular meeting of our community library board is normally held the 1st Monday of each month at 6:30pm. However, the April meeting has been rescheduled to Monday the 11th due to the Mother KAY Banquet on April 4th. All board meetings are open to the public as according to the Kansas Open Meetings Act. Please submit your request to attend to Erica Barnes so that you may be added to the agenda.
Our library hours include: Monday 8am-7pm, Tuesday through Friday 8am-4pm, and Saturday 9am-2pm while school is in session. We will be CLOSED on Good Friday. Special Hours for Monday the 18th are 2-7pm. For more information or assistance, please call 785-476-2219 (library line) or 476-8185 (Erica Barnes).
Alumni Banquet just Around the Corner
Hello Goldbugs & Longhorns, it’s almost that time of year! Make sure to mark your calendars for the Alumni Banquet to be held on Saturday, May 28, 2022. Invites will be mailed out soon!
If you need to update your mailing address, please contact Staci Foreman at or via Facebook. We look forward to seeing you all!
Friday Night at the Legion
Come out this Friday night for our special of salmon patties, macaroni and cheese, pea salad, and dessert. We will have our regular menu as well this week. Our kitchen is open from 6-8 and will be happy to take your call in orders by calling 785-476-3204. We want to say a huge THANK YOU for making our first fish fry a success. Hope to see you Friday!
Weekly Inspiration
Be conscious of your mindset and perspective. If you catch yourself focusing on your own faults or the faults of others, flip the script. Instead, pick a feature you appreciate or admire. This simple practice is so powerful and can instantly change the way you feel about yourself or someone else. It can even change the course of your day!
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please!) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at