News for 4/7/2021
We can be very proud of our Jr. and Sr. art students. Out of the 23 pieces we took to contest, 7 received awards. These are as follows:
First Place award to Mya Hoersdig - In MIXED MEDIA - Batik, “Birdworks”
Second Place awards to Paul Ferguson- 3-D DESIGN - “Wire Tree”; and JaCea Reece - WATERCOLOR - “Rainbow of Tears”
Third Place awards to Mya Hoersdig - WATERCOLOR - “Red Sun”; and Ashley Bouchard - ACRYLIC - “Hawks”
Honorable Mentions: Kylie Reimer - MIXED MEDIA - Batik, “Sunflower Wave”; and Paul Ferguson - 3-D DESIGN - Metal “ Roll the Dice”
A complete list of TRHS Art Students 2020-2021 are Seniors: Madelyn Davis, Raini Hrabe, Caleb Dodds, Kylie Reimer, Mya Hoersdig, Jacob Barnes, Casandra Gibson, Brody McManus, MaryJo Shook, Seth Brown, Keeton Wiehman, Brayden Moreno, and Anthony Bouchard.
Juniors: Ashley Bouchard, Paul Ferguson, JaCea Reece, and Jordyn Vales.
There were 10 other schools Thunder Ridge competed against in the competition. All the pieces of art are on display at Lincoln Art Center, 126 E. Lincoln Ave. until April 7th, when I’ll be taking the winners who wish to go to receive their awards. This is open to the public if you wish to attend. The ceremony will be at 10:00 am. If you wish to look around at all the displays, allow time before 10:00am.
We will be having a local art show displaying not only these pieces of Art, but many more artworks created by all this year’s High School Art students. This will be on Saturday, April 24th, at the High School, along with the Spring music concert. The Artwork will be on display in the Art Room. The Concert will be an outdoor celebration for 7th through 12th music and band students. There will be more details to follow.
As a special treat this year, the United Church of Kensington has requested a display of Student Artwork for their Spring Program -“Masterpiece”. Each person is a masterpiece, and they want to celebrate that. Everyone is invited to the Salad Supper at 6:30 followed by a program, at the United Methodist Church. This will be on Wednesday April 28th.
We look forward to our art showings, the kids have worked hard this year, we are very proud of their accomplishments. It’s been a Great Year!!!!
TR Blood Drive April 21st
Don’t forget to schedule an appointment for the blood drive on Wednesday, April 21st in the Thunder Ridge High School gym from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Open to community members, staff and students. Students age 16 and up may donate (16 yr olds need parental permission). This is by appointment only, so call the high school to sign up at 785-476-2217. You may also sign up online at or contact Kathi Boden. This event is sponsored by the TRHS KAY organization.
Kindergarten Round Up
USD #110 Thunder Ridge will hold Kindergarten visitation on Friday, April 9, 2021. The current Kindergarten class will have the day off! If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before August 31st and are interested in them attending Thunder Ridge Elementary, please attend our Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, April 9th. Please bring a copy of your child’s immunization record. If you have any questions call the Elementary school at 785-476-3241 for more information.
TR Schools Lift Mask Requirement
Parents, Staff and Students
After consulting with Smith County and Phillip's County health departments, we are going to remove our masks on Thursday April 1st.
This is for the school day, including classrooms, hallways and buses. Of course if students or staff prefer to wear a mask that is acceptable.
At school, we will still follow the other recommendations, social distancing, hand sanitizing and washing hands.
As far as activities, masks will be a separate conversation locally and some may be governed by other entities, the KSHSAA for example.
So, we will dispense with masks, at school, starting tomorrow.
Let's hope we are coming to the end of the Covid era.
K. Hall
TRMS Calendar of Events
Thur. 8- MS Track @ Norton 9:30am, lv @ 8:00
Fri. 9- Nora Rhodes presentation in classrooms: 12:05-12:45 (5th); 1:20-2:05 (6th); 2:10-2:55 (4th)
Mon. 12- MS Mid-Terms due
Tue. 13- MS Track @ Stockton 10:00 lv @ 8:20
Wed. 14- Mid-Terms sent home with students
Fri. 16- MS Track @ Logan (hosted by NV) 10:00 lv @ 8:30
Wed. 21- PTL Music @ Southern Cloud (Miltonvale) 8:30 (This will be Online); 5/6th to Water Jamboree @ Harlan Lake – Republican City, NE lv @ 8:30am
Thur. 22- MS Track @ Osborne 9:30 lv Ktown 7:20; Agra 7:30; Kirwin 7:45
Sat. 24- 7-12 Band/Choir Program 1:30 – outside of the HS on the lawn
Tue. 27- MS Track @ Beloit 9:00 lv Ktown 6:40; Agra 6:50; Kirwin 7:00; No TR Academy
Kensington Library
Spring is here! The library has switched to spring hours and will now be open: Mondays from 8am-7pm, Tuesday through Friday from 8am-4pm, and Saturdays from 9am-2pm.
With USD #110 lifting the mask requirements for all staff and students, we are no longer requiring patrons to wear a mask. Masks will be optional and left to the discretion of the individual. We will still follow the other recommendations for social distancing, hand sanitizing, and washing hands.
Weekly Inspirations
If you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others. - Unknown
Over 90% of what we worry about never happens. - Unknown
Overthinking ruins you, ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry and just makes everything much worse than it actually is. - Unknown
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color edition online, visit the Kensington website at
Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell)