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News for 6/10/2020

Kensington Pool is Open!

The Kensington Swimming Pool opened for the summer on Saturday, June 6!  Hours are 1:30-7:00pm daily. We look forward to seeing you, but please be aware of some different rules due to COVID:

-Maximum of 90 at least until June 10

-You will need to enter through entry gate and exit through side gate.  Once you leave, you cannot return until the next day.

-The lifeguard will sign you in and you also need to inform us when leaving so we can note the time and sign you out.

-There will not be any pool toys allowed in the facility nor will there be any for check out until further notice.

-If you bring googles, please do not share them and put them away when not in use.

-Pool chairs will not be out, if you want a chair you need to bring your own.

-Concessions will be available but you will need to social distance while eating snacks (area may be expanded as to allow for keeping 6' distance)

-We ask that you come in your swimsuit and showered.  Showers will not be open.  Restroom will be available but due to limited space only one patron at a time.

-We ask that patrons under 10 have supervision until further notice.  Supervision can be family member of 16.

-Parents/care givers need to be within arms reach of non swimmers.  You may bring in your Coast guard approved life jacket but that does not replace supervision.  Again, please don't share.

-Be sure to bring your own towel.

-Wash hands.  Soap will be available as well as hand sanitizer.

-Maintain 6' social distancing.

-Please don't come if you feel sick, have fever, headache, etc

-Face masks are recommended but don't wear them while in the water.

Summer pool prices: Season pass for Family $80 or Single $40, Daily one time entry is $2, Use of baby pool Free; Pool party $70; American Red Cross Swimming lessons in Group $30 or Private $45.

American Legion Opens!

It's time! Time to OPEN the Legion! This Thursday,June 4, at 5pm. The Bar will be open and we will hold the scheduled meetings of the Sons and Auxiliary. Also, this will be the installation of officers for the American Legion for the 2020-21 year. Friday night, June 5, suppers will once again resume! We look forward to seeing everyone.

Kensington Library Opening Doors!

The library is now open to the public and we will gladly take your returns. We are opening the West door only at this time and the thru-wall drop slot next to the west door is now unlocked. Also please keep in mind that things will look a bit different and we do have social distancing guidelines in place. 

Regular Summer Hours: Mondays 2-7pm, Tuesday thru Saturday 9am-2pm. But please feel free to call 476-2219 if you prefer curbside pickup and we will accommodate. 

Mat Makers Will Meet

Quiet, quarantined hands have been busy at home making sleeping mats for the homeless during this past few months. Nearly 25 mats await delivery to the inner-city missions of Kansas City and Wichita. 

The group will meet again this Thursday, June 11, from noon until 4:00. We meet in the parish hall of St. John Lutheran Church. We will try to keep a safe distance from each other if that’s a concern to anyone. Everyone is welcome to stop in and see what it’s all about. We will be busy folding, cutting plastic sacks and crocheting the strips into mats. Come for part or all of the time. 

Mats that will be taken to the homeless shelters.

Weekly Inspiration

Life is tough, but you must be tougher. - Unknown

One positive action in your life has the potential to change the world. - Steven Aitchison

Tell the story of the mountain you climbed. Your words could become a page in someone else's survival guide. - Morgan Harper Nichols


Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit


Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell) Fill your mind with truth; fill your heart with love; and fill your life with service. - Thomas S. Monson


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