News for 7/15/2020
We hope you have your calendar marked for Friday, August 14 and Saturday August 15th to be in KENSINGTON! Make plans to attend the Annual Old Fashioned Saturday Night. Come make memories and celebrate our community. Registration for specific events will be available soon.
Tentative Plan of events:
Friday, August 14- Sapphire Dancers 5K Fun Run at 8:00pm followed by homemade ice cream
Saturday, August 15- Pasture Golf (2 person teams) at 8:30am, Painting Session with Leap of Faith Art Studio at 10:00am, Yard Games (2 person teams) at 1:00pm, Bingo! with our stand at the Legion from 1:00-3:00pm, Cardboard Boat Races and Free Swim at the pool from 2:00-4:00pm, Main Street blocked off at 3:30 with Car/Truck/Bike Show at 4:00pm, Laser Tag and Bouncy House from 4:00-8:00pm, Beer Garden and Food Vendors open at 5:00pm, Kiddie Parade (Theme- "The Circus Comes to Town") at 6:00pm, TR dance entertainment at 7:00pm with Egg Toss Contest to follow. Street Dance starts at 9:00pm with entertainment provided by Wing Productions.
If you would like your food vendors listed on our posters - please comment or contact Brooke at 785-476-6191.
TRHS KAYS to Host Blood Drive
Sign up is open for the next blood drive scheduled on July 23rd! Details: call Kathi Boden at 785-282-0387 to schedule your appointment between 9:00am and 3:00pm Thursday, July 23 at the St. John Lutheran Church Parish Hall, 708 N Main St. You can also email Kathi at or visit
Through September, the Red Cross will be testing all donations for COVID-19 antibodies. Donors will be notified within 7-10 days.
Mat Makers
The mat makers will meet again July 21, from noon to 4:00. We keep good social distance and still manage to have lots of great conversations and get our work done. This is at the St.John Lutheran Church in Kensington. Everyone is welcome to join us!
It’s Fair Week!
The Smith County 4-H Council along with other 4-H members volunteered to paint windows in downtown Kensington to promote the upcoming Smith County Free Fair July 16-20.
The foods judging and bake sale was held Friday the 10th. Clothing buymanship and construction judging took place Monday, July 13. The fashion show that showcases all the participants was held that evening at American Lutheran Church in Smith Center.

KensLy Blank presents her desserts to the judge. She received purple and Reserve Grand Champion on her crumb top apple pie.

Nelson received purples for her baked goods and her German Chocolate cake received Grand Champion.

Aadyn Blank received some purples and also Reserve Grand Champion for his scotcheroos.

Sydni baked a pink marbled pound cake, a recipe from her mom’s Great grandma Lyon. She received a Reserve Grand Champion with this cake.

Sydni Rust painting windows in Kensington.

Lexi Rust makes Main Street look poppin.
Weekly Inspiration
Paradise is always where love dwells. - Jean Paul Richter
It's okay to have flaws. That's what makes you real. - Unknown
Holding on is being brave, but letting go and moving on is often what makes us stronger and happier. - Unknown
Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit
Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell) Fill your mind with truth; fill your heart with love; and fill your life with service. - Thomas S. Monson