News for 7/21/21
Steering Committee Raffle
The Thunder Ridge Steering Committee will be having games, taking t-shirt orders, and holding a raffle at OFSN. Prizes will include 12" stuffed longhorn, LED string lights, a 43" Vizio tv, and a Thunder Ridge cedar bench made by Buzz Rice. Raffle ticket prices will be announced soon.
Great Job at the Fair!
Monday wrapped up the Smith County Free Fair. Congratulations to all the kids, you did a fantastic job with your projects! Members of the Busy Bees 4-H Club who participated included: Levi Barnes, Lucas Barnes, TyLynn Blank, KensLy Blank, Aadyn Blank, Kaydence Dodds, Jonathan Ferguson, Joshua Ferguson, Jasmine Ferguson, Jeweliana Ferguson-Cloverbud, Lexi Grauerholz, MaKenzi Grauerholz-Cloverbud, Raini Hrabe, Addison Molzahn, Conner Molzahn, Jenna Molzahn-Cloverbud, Hannah Nelson, Gideon Nelson, Sydni Rust, Lexi Rust, Alanna Schroeter, Leanka van der Linden. Thank you everyone for doing your part with cleanup/setup, working the food stand, and cleanup/take-down today. It’s a great thing to lend our helping hands and be a part of something bigger. It was a terrific fair and we hope everyone had a blast! Because “4-H is Outta-this-World!”

Levi Barnes received overall Grand Champion Rabbit.

KensLy Blank received overall Grand Champion on both her reading project and necklace she made.

Sydni Rust received overall Sr. Grand Champion w/ her silhouette photo.

Lexi Rust received overall Jr. Grand Champion w/ her BW light photo.

Hannah Nelson received Jr. Grand Champion for her quilts and Reserve Grand Champion on her fiber arts. Also, Hannah’s shadow box on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon won Grand Champion for junior reading.

Gideon Nelson received Grand Champion for his entomology collection.
On July 19, 2021, members from the K-Town Kates traveled to Phillipsburg, Kansas to tour Old Fort Bissell Museum, a fort originally built in 1872 to protect settlers around Phillipsburg. Additional buildings and exhibits are a sod house reproduction, depot from Glade, Cottonwood cabin, Dayton School house, Glade Post office, Fort Bissell Mercantile and the Lutjeharms Walnut Cabin. Well informed guides guided 2 groups through the buildings telling interesting facts and stories. The ladies then went to the Oriental Cafe to enjoy lunch. Afterwards, they returned to the Kensington Senior Center to conduct a meeting.
Vice President Doris Wiens opened the meeting with 13 members answering roll call naming their favorite insect. The May and June minutes were read and declared approved. The treasurer’s report was given. Dues have been collected. Barbara moved and JoAnn seconded to make a donation to the Fort Bissell Chapel fund. Motion carried.
Georgetta gave the food pantry report. The list of generous donations for 2021 was presented.
Kensington Old Fashioned Saturday Night on August 21, 2021 was discussed. Janet moved and Deb B. seconded that K-town Kates have a pie stand. Motion carried. Each member is to bring a pie between 5:30-6:00. Use of several tables will be requested from the Senior Center and will be set up after the food pantry is over. Loretta will make a sign.
There will be no August 2021 meeting.
The September 13th meeting will be a Wine and Cheese Party. Due to the change in policy at the Senior Center, wine will be able to be served there with the signing of a waiver. Each member will bring their favorite wine or beverage. Hostess’s Deb B. and Joyce will provide cheese and crackers. Suggestions for games will be appreciated.
JoAnn moved and JoLinn seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
AUGUST 21, 2021, SATURDAY, FOOD PANTRY – At the Kensington Senior Center 1:00 – 3:00. Additional workers Donna J and Deb L.
Mark your Calendar
Save the date for the Annual Gathering of the St. Francis Church in Claudell.
It will be Sunday Sept 5, with a 2:00 Mass at the church followed by a potluck meal. The celebrant will be former pastor Fr. Daryl Olmstead.
Plan to attend and invite your friends and families.
News items needed
Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at