News for 7/18/2019
Kensington Library The Kensington Library would like to announce we will be holding our Annual Ice Cream Social the evening of Monday, July 29, from 6:30-8:00pm. Come meet and greet our community library board members and enjoy some yummy, homemade ice cream. We will also have the used book sale open for browsing and buying, June 26 through August 2nd. Please join us, Monday evening July 29, for great books and a sweet treat! Food Pantry The Kensington Food Pantry serves the Thunder Ridge School District area the 3rd Saturday of each month. This month the pantry will be open July 20th, from 1:00-3:00pm at the Kensington Community Center. Contact 785-476-2278 with any questions. Sympathies KENSINGTON, KS – Patricia A. Hainke age 84 passed away July 2, 2019 at the Good Samaritan Health System in Kearney, NE. She worked in the medical records department at Prairie Haven Nursing Center for many years. Patricia was born the daughter of Hugh & Bessie (Sutton) Miller on January 30, 1935 in Osborne County, KS. She was preceded in death by her parents Hugh & Bessie (Sutton) Miller Bierman; husband Robert and daughter in law Grace. Patricia is survived by her sons Gary (Elizabeth) Hainke of Kensington, Rob (Linda) Hainke of Holdrege, NE and Brian Hainke of Grand Island, NE; 5 Grandchildren, Nicole (Adam) Benischek, Leslie (Garrett) Brown, Natalie (Chuck) Knipp, Aiden Hainke, Emily Hainke; 7 Great Grandchildren; a sister Shirley (Lyle) Hartman of Smith Center, KS. ISO NEWS Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color, version visit Your Weekly Inspiration Don't wait for it to happen, go make it happen. Never lose hope. Never lose faith. Silence says a lot more than you think. Do the best you can with what you have. - Unknown I'm strong because I know my weaknesses. I'm wise because I've been foolish. I laugh because I've known sadness. - Ziad K. Abdelnour -- Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell) The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.