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News for 8/19/2020

A reception party was given in honor of five retiring employees of Thunder Ridge on August 16. Honorees were Steve Wangerin, Wanda Rahjes, Marcia Bose, Kathy Higdon, and Kindra Hrabe. Many friends and family were in attendance to thank them for their many years of dedicated service to the TR district. They will be greatly missed!

Ktown Kates 

The Ktown Kates met on July 13, 2020. Vice President Doris Wiens served refreshments then introduced Pastor Joel Hiesterman, the presenter of the program. He showed pictures from his travels as a representative for the Russian Orphanage Project, a branch of the Orphan Grain Train. His pictures highlighted orphanages in the St. Petersburg, Russia outlying area that are sponsored by American individuals, groups, or businesses to help provide not only medicine that is good but books with Biblical stories. Of special interest was a picture of a young child riding one of the bicycles that had been donated from the Phillipsburg Kansas area then refurbished by inmates at the Norton correctional unit before being shipped with many others to Russia. Pastor Joel related stories of the Christian love, care, and concern provided by the operators of these orphanages- a very inspirational program. 

Doris opened the business meeting with roll call answered by 10 members and 1 guest with their favorite amusement park ride. The June minutes were read and approved and a treasurer’s report was given and approved.

A gift certificate from Rusty Tractor will be given to Pastor Joel Hiesterman in appreciation for his presentation.

Georgetta reported on the June food pantry. There were 4 single and 10 family units participating. Two donations had been received with appreciation. Covid 19 procedures will be continued for the July 18 distribution with Doris and Barbara assisting Georgetta. The August 15, third Saturday of the month, food pantry workers will be in Georgetta, Donna J.,  Melinda, and Ruth. 

Old business: the Kensington Old Fashioned Saturday Night will be August 15. The time will not conflict with the food pantry. The plans made the previous month were reviewed with no changes.

New business: the August meeting will be a trip to the Holdrege, NE museum with Donna J. and Deb B. acting as hostesses on Friday August 21. Members and guests will meet at the Kensington Senior Center at 10:00am and carpool from there. 

After discussion of different ideas for the September 14 program, Barbara moved and Donna J. seconded the motion, to ask Genny Rahjes if she would provide a program. Motion carried. 

After discussion, the October 12 meeting will be held at Center Fire Pizza in Smith Center for planning the 2021 Ktown Kates meetings. Members will meet at the Senior Center at 5:00pm to carpool from there. 

Meeting adjourned.

Kensington Senior Community

The Kensington Senior-Community Center is serving coffee three mornings a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) at 9:30am. There are about 12 people each day. We would welcome more! It is a great time to catch up on community news and enjoy some friendly fellowship. We take turns bringing treats to go with our coffee. Please feel free to join us between 9:30 and 10:15am. We also wish to thank Lee for opening the Center for us and getting the coffee going. So wonderful of Diane to open the Center back up for all kinds of activities on any day. Greatly appreciated!

We play lots of card games, dominoes, ping-pong, pool and just good old fun. We plan to start our potlucks in September. Watch for more information. 

Weekly Inspiration

If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. - H. G. Wells

People will always disappoint you, to remain happy you must learn how to forgive, forget and move on. - Unknown

To achieve success, have a reason other than money. - Unknown


Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit


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