News for 8/25/2021
Back to School Bash!
The TR Steering Committee will host a “Back to School Bash” dinner this Sunday, August 29, from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the American Legion in Kensington. Serving roast pork, party potatoes, green beans, a dinner roll and dessert. The Steering Committee will have order forms available for TR apparel and the raffle items on display. This will be the FINAL DAY to place orders for your TR apparel. Raffle items are still up for grabs, so make sure to buy your tickets! The winners will be drawn at 1:00pm Sunday. Come out to support our Thunder Ridge Schools.
OFSN Was a Blast!
Old Fashioned Saturday in Kensington started off with crafting at the legion brought to us by The Broken Board.

Thanks Kristen and Jayden Minkler!
There were 5 entries for the 1st year of Cardboard Boat Races and they were great! Hope to do it again next year!

Aadyn Blank and Breckyn McDowell earned 1st place in their age group.

Hannah Nelson and Leanka Van Der Linden took 1st place in their age group.

Declan Tweedy and Brillon McDowell won the “Titanic Award” for sinking.

The new picnic tables were made by Justin Bretton and paid for by part of the Smith County Community Foundation Grant. They were a great addition this year.
Claudell Annual Gathering
The Annual Gathering of the St. Francis Church in Claudell is Sunday Sept 5, with a 2:00pm Mass at the church followed by a potluck meal at the Kirwin Firehouse. The celebrant will be former pastor Fr. Daryl Olmstead. Plan to attend and invite your friends and families.
Attention Kensington Residents
Reminder: City Wide Cleanup starts this week! Instructions can be found on the City of Kensington, Kansas facebook page and they are also posted at the Post Office, Bank, Kensington Community Store, Corner Corral, and city office. Dumpsters will be available August 25 through September 5 for disposal of your large, bulky trash items. These bins will be located at the city lot on South Adams Street. Please note: This is for Residential household waste only. Please call the city office with any questions. 785-476-2668.
HWY 36 Treasure Hunt
Kensington residents: To be included on the Kensington map for the Highway 36 Treasure Hunt, you must fill out a form. You can pick up a form at the city office, post office, or library. Please submit this form and $5.00 to the City Office in Kensington by Aug. 31! By doing so your listing will be included on the map of sales and on the local Kensington sales map. Maps will be provided free to treasure hunters.
Time Capsule Dig
On June 26 th 2021, Girl Scout Troop 411 came together to dig the time
capsule they buried on May 9th of 1996.
Members in attendance for the reveal, were Kelli Johnson, McKenzie Bailey,
Beth Nech, Dena Hiller and Natalie Knipp. Families’ members were also present.
Margaret Luiso and Grace Hainke were the troop leaders in 1996.
Upon opening the time capsule, the girls found old group photos of the
troop at Dallas Waites soda shop, and notes about the girls themselves. Also
include was Girl Scout badges, a pencil, money, a book mark, and a bottle that
was found at Reamsville during an outing there. At burial time the girls were ten
and eleven years of age.
Unfortunately, the items had gotten wet, however the girls were able to
enjoy the items “left behind.”
After the dig, the girls and their families enjoyed a meal at the Rusty
Tractor. It was discussed that they would again bury the capsule and dig it up in
another 25 years. The girls brought some time relevant things to place in the
capsule, and we all wrote some thoughts and ideas on note cards to place in the
A special thanks to Gary Hainke for digging the capsule prior to our arrival,
and resealing it to be dug in 2046.
Members unable to attend, Rachel Levin, Melissa Brownfield, Kristen Doll
and Melissa Crowley.

The girls looking through the treasures they buried 25 years prior.

L-R: Beth Nech, Kelli Johnson, Natalie Knipp, Dena Hiller and McKenzie Bailey.
Weekly Inspiration
All you can change is yourself, but sometimes that changes everything. -Gary W. Goldstein
Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out until you’re left only with what you love, with what’s necessary, with what makes you happy. -Leo Babauta
News items needed Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at