News for 2/7/2018
The public is invited for Camp All 4 Luv Lunch! this Sunday, February 11th, from 11:30am-12:45pm. Located in the United Church basement, the youth will be serving a menu of: Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce (gluten free option available), Green Beans, French Bread, and Dessert. Free will donations accepted for the youth camp fund and other youth events. *Elevator available on south side of church. There will be a Pampered Chef Fundraiser also! Join us this Sunday, Feb. 11th for dinner following services at the United Church in Kensington.
American Legion
The Sons of the American Legion will host a Valentine's Dinner on Saturday, February 10th, serving steak and shrimp. Hopefully you made reservations by Feb 5th to come out and spoil your valentine with us!
The Friday Night Special, February 9th:
The special at the Kensington American Legion will be soup and homemade cinnamon rolls. You will have a variety of soups to choose from, a grilled cheese sandwich, and a fresh homemade cinnamon roll. We will be open after the basketball game with our special. We will have our regular menu items available as usual. The kitchen hours are 6-8:30pm and you are more than welcome to call for takeout orders or to make a reservation if you have a large number of people in your party. Please give us a call at 785-476-3204!

TRHS Hosted Mini-Cheerleader Camp
Twenty energetic young girls attended the Thunder Ridge High School Mini-Cheer Camp the morning of Saturday, January 27th. The gym was full of smiles, giggles and spirit as girls ages preschool through 6th grade who learned cheers, stunts, played games and practiced kicks and jumps. Attending were: Preschoolers– Destyni Coomes, Kassie Wagenblast and Zoey Hadley; Kindergartners – Dani Holm-Irving, Breckyn McDowell, Becca Epple, Gracyn Ritter; 2nd graders – Cameron Hardacre, Lexi Rust, Addison Molzahn, Shae Baker; 3rd graders – Jasmine Ferguson, Hannah Nelson, Jocelyn Ritter, Kaydence Dodds; 4th graders – Peyton Chestnut, Sydney Powell, April Webb, Gracie Rice; and 6th grader – Erinn Clements. The girls will perform on February 9th at the half-time of the Thunder Ridge vs. Tescott Boys Varsity game. The 2017-18 TRHS Cheerleaders are: Raegan Boden, Destiny Shook, Brittany Atchison, Jaden Boden, Ivy Corbett, Maggie Nech, Casandra Gibson, and Maycee Westbrook.
Thunder Ridge School News
Important Dates:
Friday, 23rd: KAY Senior Parent Night during the Home basketball games vs Wilson.
Monday, 26th: 2:30pm Early Dismissal & Teacher Inservice
Spaghetti and Chess Night:
Thur. February 8th- All high school staff, parents, and students are invited for Spaghetti and Chess Night, located in the cafeteria in the Thunder Ridge Elementary Building from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. If you have chess sets that you would like to share, please bring them. We will have a challenge board, which is a bracket for players who accept a challenge by another. Please RSVP to the Thunder Ridge High School Office 476-2217.
Upcoming Games:
Fri. 9- HS BB vs Tescott at Home 4:00pm w/ Mini Cheer Performance
Tue. 13- HS BB vs Lincoln at Home 4:00pm
Fri. 16- HS BB @ Rock Hills (Mankato) 4:00pm
Mon. 19- HS BB vs Hill City at Home 4:00pm
Fri. 23- HS BB vs Wilson 4:00pm & KAY Senior Parent Night
Mon. 26- Sub-State BB begins TBA
TR HS/GS Menus:
Daily choice with meal: breakfast- milk or juice, fresh/canned fruit, cereal; lunch- Salad, fruits & veggie bar, served daily. *Note: Menus are subject to change.
Wed. 7
Breakfast: Breakfast Sliders
Lunch: Taco Burger, refried beans, chips & salsa (9-12), half-a-banana
Thur. 8
Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza
Lunch: Lasagna, bread sticks, cookie, apple wedges
Fri. 9
Breakfast: Blueberry Pancakes w/syrup
Lunch: Chicken Patty, whipped potatoes w/gravy, dinner roll (9-12), green beans, diced pears
Mon. 12
Breakfast: Long Johns
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, rice, celery sticks, stir fry vegetables, tropical fruit salad
Tues. 13
Breakfast: Biscuit & Gravy
Lunch: Super Nachos, fresh mixed fruit cup
Wed. 14 Happy Valentine’s Day!
Breakfast: French Toast w/syrup
Lunch: Cheese breadsticks w/ marinara sauce, mandarin oranges, seasoned peas
Thur. 15
Breakfast: Breakfast Quesadilla w/salsa
Lunch: Pulled Pork Sandwich, tater tots, baked beans, strawberries
Fri. 16
Breakfast: Breakfast Bar
Lunch: Rock & Roll Beef Wraps, pineapple tidbits, rice krispy treats (9-12)
Weekly Inspiration
Free yourself from negative people. Spend your time with people who really care about you. Choose friends you are proud to know, who make your day a little brighter. Life is too short to spend it with people who suck the life out of you. When you free yourself of negative people, you are free to be you. And that’s the only way to really live.
Kensington Library News
Weather permitting, we plan to hold a Brainy Babies program on Monday, Feb. 19th from 5:15-6pm. Nora Rhoades will join us from the K-State Research & Extension office to provide a story and fun activities for children ages birth to 3 years old. This interactive program is for parent/child bonding and early learning. Call the library @785-476-2219 to RSVP.
ISO: News Needed
Please send me your News! If you don’t send it, I can’t submit it! Contact Erica Barnes at 785-476-8185 or by email at