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News for 5/15/2019

Riley Reneberg Memorial Archery Shoot

Mark your calendar and spread the word!

Riley's memorial archery shoot will be Friday May 24th at the park in Kensington. This is going to be the last one.

KCS Potato Bar Fundraiser

As a quarterly fundraiser for the Kensington Community (grocery) Store, Wendy’s of Hays is sponsoring a Baked Potato Bar. Plan to join us at the American Legion Hall in Kensington on Sunday, May 19 from 11:00am to 1:00pm for a baked potato bar with all the fixings. Free will donations accepted.

2019 Wanda May Vinson Scholarship Recipient

The recipients of the Wanda May Vinson Scholarships for 2019 have been announced by Cheryl Gleason, Director of the Kansas Association for Youth (KAY) program, sponsored by the Kansas State High School Activities Association. The scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors who have provided outstanding leadership in the Kansas Association for Youth, achieved high scholastic standing and have made contributions of service to their school and community. Raegan Boden of Thunder Ridge was one out of the fourteen recipients. Congrats Raegan Boden!

The honorees will use the money to attend the school of their choice. The scholarships, named for the founder and former director of the Kansas Association for Youth, Wanda May Vinson, are made possible through gifts from the KAY members of Kansas and other supporters of the Kansas Association for Youth. 2019 marks the 62nd year of awarding Wanda May Vinson Scholarships. During this span of time, five hundred and fifty six students have received these scholarships, this year reaching a total amount of $127,000.00.

Community Blood Drive

There will be a Blood Drive on Friday, May 31 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Kensington Community Library Classroom. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and ThunderRidge. Donors may also call the high school at 785-476-2217 or email Kathi Boden at

For this community drive, they are also collecting Double Red Cells so the information below is for anyone interested in becoming a Double Red Cell Donor.

The 2RBC is the double red donation which is only for specific blood types (O negative, O positive, A negative or B negative) and it counts as two donations. Through the automated process, red blood cells are separated from the other blood components. Two units of red cells are collected while the plasma and platelets are returned to the donor. Most people who do the 2RBC’s usually like it better. Some donors report feeling better after giving double red cells compared with other donation types because other blood components and saline are returned to the donor during the process.

Thunder Ridge Student Recognitions

State Music contest

State solo music contest was April 27 at Hesston College. Paul Ferguson earned a I rating, and Abby Hardacre and Mark Ferguson earned II rating. Pictured are Kristi Reneberg, Abby Hardacre, Mark Ferguson, Paul Ferguson, and Annie Adams.

TRMS 4th Qtr Honors Program

TRMS held the last Honors Program for the school year on Tuesday, May 7th. Students were recognized for their academic achievements during the 4th and final quarter.

Students who made honors all four 9-weeks, (back to front and left to right): Allison Rhea, Teaghan Hendryx, Jackson Dunlap, Evan Slavik, Khloe Reimer, Brillon McDowell, Declan Tweedy, Alanna Schroeter, Lukas Dayhuff, Michael Ferguson, Konner Wagenblast, Jasmine Ferguson, Hannah Nelson, Samuel Baker.

Music Honors: Gracie Rice (5th grade) and Konner Wagenblast (4th grade)

PE Honors: Peyton Chestnut (5th grade) and Konner Wagenblast (4th grade)

4th Honors: Jasmine Ferguson, Kaydence Dodds, Lukas Dayhuff, Declan Tweedy, Brillon McDowell, Samuel Baker, Alanna Schroeter, Konner Wagenblast, Hannah Nelson.

4th boosters: Kutter McDowell, Lukas Dayhuff, Hannah Nelson, Samuel Baker.

5th Honors: Jackson Dunlap, Evan Slavik, Khloe Reimer, Michael Ferguson, April Webb.

5th boosters (front-back & left-right): Olivia Runnion, Dawson Stephens, April Webb, Annmarie Fowler, Baley Whetham, Michael Ferguson, Allysa Ewing, Edrick Williams, Jackson Dunlap, Shiloh Corbett, Haylee Jensen.

6th honors: Teaghan Hendryx and Allison Rhea

6th boosters: Destynee Coomes, Allison Rhea, Ruben Steenkamp

Alumni of Kensington and Thunder Ridge- The invites have been mailed out for the Annual Alumni Banquet. The banquet will be held Saturday, May 25, 2019 at the American Legion Hall in Kensington honoring all years ending in 4 and 9. If you are a graduate of West Smith County or Thunder Ridge High School and you have had a change of address, please contact Staci Foreman at the District Office to make your reservations and update your info. Call 785-476-2218 or email

Athol Homecoming Get Together

Athol Homecoming Get Together planned for Sunday, May 26, 2019 from 2:00-4:00 pm at the Athol Community Hall. If you haven’t been back to Athol for several years, you will be pleased to see how the Athol Community hall has been repainted, new windows installed, and see mementos of Athol history.

The Homecoming get together event will be a time for anyone who has Athol ties or attended Athol Grade School or High School to come to. It is not just for Athol High School Alumni as was the case with the get-together previously held every two years on Memorial weekend. We want to get the information out that everyone is invited to come to the open house.

Athol High School’s last graduating class was in 1955, making the high school graduates 82 years old or more. There are several of this “Grand Generation” of Alumni in the area who are pushing age 90 who still want to get together for a time of visiting and remembering Athol. This number is declining and is more difficult for them to help plan this event. For this reason, Donna Johnson (785-476-2691) and Dianna Rice (785-695-2399) agreed to help with the planning of this event.

Athol Grade School closed in 1966, so that graduating class would be 66 or more years old. There were still younger grade school students who attended Athol grade school until it’s closing in May, 1966. It is hoped that several of the Athol Grade School graduates and students would like to have a time together at Athol and be together as well.

A short program will be held at 3:00 pm to share memories with a special memorial ceremony for Athol graduates who have passed away since the last reunion in 2017. Refreshments will be served.

Please mark your calendars for Sunday May 26, 2019 from 2-4 pm to reconnect with your Athol friends at the Athol Community Hall. Please consider this your invitation to attend.

American Legion Menu

This week at the American Legion our special will be serving taco casserole, Mexican rice, and pudding fruit salad. Our extra salad will be BLT pasta salad and brownie sundaes for dessert. Well have our regular menu items as well. We appreciate when you call us for take out orders or if you're running a little late. Our phone number is 785-476-3204. Thank you for your support!

Kensington Community/School Library Info

*Now open Summer Hours: Mondays from 2-8pm, Tuesday through Saturday 9am-2pm.

Dear Parents: Please plan for your child or children to attend our Summer Reading Programs at the Kensington Community/School Library. We will be exploring outer space and things out-of-this-world with “A Universe of Stories!” every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of June and the first two weeks in July. Stop by the library to sign your children up and get a copy of the calendar for our reading program this summer.

Weekly Inspiration

Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others. - Roy T. Bennett

Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try. - Jack Canfield


Special Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. Her schedule is changing for summer and she needs to submit the news Sunday night. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color, version visit

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