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News for 5/22/2019

Reminder: if you haven’t RSVP’d for the 2019 Alumni Banquet please do!

Veterans Community Project

Special Presentation to be held at the St. John Lutheran Church in Kensington on Sunday, June 2, from 9:00-11:00am.

Our congregation is hosting Brandonn Mixon, co-founder of Veterans Community Project of Kansas City to present more about their group, what they have been doing and what the future looks like for them. We invite anyone interested in hearing more about this great endeavor to join us for worship service at 9:00am followed by a brunch meet and greet in the parish hall.

Plan to join us for the Veterans Community Project Mission Presentation on Sunday, June 2, from 9:00-11:00am at St. John Lutheran Church-Elca Kensington, KS.


Kensington Community Vacation Bible School will be May 28-31 from 9:00 am-11:30 am.

VBS locations:

PreK-K (must be potty trained) @1st St John

1st-3rd @United Church

4th-6th @North St John

Program to be held at the United Church on Friday, May 31, at 11:00am.

Join us as we go on AN INCREDIBLE RACE!

Panter Reunion May 27

The Panter Reunion will be held on Monday, May 27th, at the Community Building in Athol from 11:30am to whenever everyone dispurses. Please bring a covered dish for the meal.

Community Blood Drive

There will be a Blood Drive on Friday, May 31 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Kensington Community Library Classroom. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and ThunderRidge. Donors may also call the high school at 785-476-2217 or email Kathi Boden at

For this community drive, they are also collecting Double Red Cells so the information below is for anyone interested in becoming a Double Red Cell Donor.

The 2RBC is the double red donation which is only for specific blood types (O negative, O positive, A negative or B negative) and it counts as two donations. Through the automated process, red blood cells are separated from the other blood components. Two units of red cells are collected while the plasma and platelets are returned to the donor. Most people who do the 2RBC’s usually like it better. Some donors report feeling better after giving double red cells compared with other donation types because other blood components and saline are returned to the donor during the process.

Team Opportunity travels to Washington D.C.

Team Opportunity (l-r): Ryan Epple, Ava Wiehman, Sydni Rust, Alex Keshmiry, and Zach Barnes. Pictures provided by teacher and sponsor Shelby Dannenberg.

Winning at regionals in Abilene, KS on March 29, earned these students the great honor of traveling to Washington D.C. this week to participate and compete at the national level of the National Geographic GeoChallenge: Tackling Plastic. Their scheduled events began on Sunday 19th and continue through Thursday the 23rd. These students have the awesome opportunity to hold discussions with world renowned scientists and inventors, plus they will be presenting their own robot TRASHI and plan they’ve created for battling pollution.

(L-r): Zach Barnes, Sydni Rust, Ava Wiehman, Alex Keshmiry, Ryan Epple.

Kensington Community/School Library Info

*Now open Summer Hours: Mondays from 2-8pm, Tuesday through Saturday 9am-2pm.

Dear Parents: Please plan for your child or children to attend our Summer Reading Programs at the Kensington Community/School Library. We will be exploring outer space and things out-of-this-world with “A Universe of Stories!” every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of June and the first two weeks in July. Stop by the library to sign your children up and get a copy of the calendar for our reading program this summer. Or call the library at 785-476-2219 to preregister.

Kensington Lions Club Continues to Impact the Community

The Kensington Lions Club meets each month and continues to find ways to help the school and community. In the past couple months, the club has found many ways to do just that. They agreed to pay the registration fee for the high school girls' basketball team so they could participate in the Beloit Summer League. They also offered funds to a middle school student so he could attend a math/science summer camp that he qualified for at Fort Hays. The club held a highway 36 cleanup day April 28 with the help of some of the TR KAY members. Birthday/Anniversary community calendars have been compiled and are ready to deliver. A donation to the library's snack fund for their summer reading program was given. The club will also give a donation to the American Legion in memory of Roy Wangerin. Roy was a founding member of the club and an active member of the American Legion. After hearing a talk at a monthly meeting from the Spirit Task Force, the club voted to give a generous donation to this organization to use as needed. A contribution was given to help the Kensington girls' softball team purchase new jerseys. The club also agreed to pay the registration fee for five TR students to attend the Kansas Lion's Band Camp this summer.

The Kensington Lions is a vital part of our community! Please consider joining us. We meet the first Monday of each month and strive to make a difference by serving the people around the community. Contact Joan Nech if you are interested in becoming a Kensington Lion!

American Legion Menu

This week at the Kensington American Legion, serving from 6-8:30pm, we will be having BBQ beef sandwiches, potato salad, and baked beans. We'll also have mixed fruit and peach pie for dessert. If you're having company in town for the holiday and for the alumni reunion, we'd love to have you join for supper. We can put tables together for you by calling 785-476-3204. Please join our American Legion at the local cemeteries Sunday, May 26, as we honor all those who have fought and gave their lives for our country.

Weekly Inspiration

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. - William James

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today. - Will Rogers


Special Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. Her schedule is changing for summer and she needs to submit the news Sunday night. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in color, version visit

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