News for 10/9/2019
October is 4-H Month!
“Inspire Kids to Do!” is the theme for 2019. National 4-H Week is October 6-12 and clubs everywhere are promoting 4-H. The 4-H year runs from October 2 to September 30. Enrollment for the new year is open through the month of October. The Busy Bees in Kensington invite new members to join our club. Contact leaders Erica Barnes or Trina Schrag for more info.

Thunder Ridge HOCO
The 2019 nominees for Homecoming Queen are Brittany Atchison, Brennan Kirchhoff, and Iva Rust. King candidates are Colton Davis, Riggs Reneberg, and Reece Struckhoff. Crownbearers will be kindergarteners Jeweliana Ferguson and Kannon Reimer. Spirit week is celebrated with daily themes for dress-up fun. Monday was Super Hero or Tacky Tourist, Tuesday Decade or Nerd Day, Wednesday VSCO Girl or Camo Day, Thursday Twin or Hobo Day, and Friday wear your Blue and Silver for school Spirit!
Student Council has games planned for 8:00pm at the football field Thursday night, October 10, with a bonfire to follow. The Homecoming Parade downtown is scheduled for Friday, October 11, at 2:30pm with Powderpuff football to follow. The crowning ceremony will take place Friday night at 6:30pm before the football game at 7:00pm versus Logan/Palco. Following the game is HOCO game night until 11:00pm at the PAC for High School students only.
Need a Tutor? Students taking online college classes or needing some extra help with math or science are invited to visit the Kensington Community/School Library on Monday nights from 6-8pm starting October 14th. This is FREE tutoring available for students in math and science classes.
On Tuesday, October 1st, the Thunder Ridge High School Occupational Math Class visited Farmers National Bank in Kensington. Kim Rietzke kindly and efficiently arranged the day and time. We were welcomed with solid information about interest, CD's, and how to keep our cards and money secure. Tim Bartley visited with us about different types of loans, savings, and how to make our money work for us. We were so fortunate to meet with them. Thank you Farmers National Bank!
TR Calendar of Events
Thur. 10- MS VB/FB @ Lakeside (Downs) 4:00/6:00pm; 8:00pm StuCo games & Homecoming Bonfire
Fri. 11- End of 1st Quarter; 4-8th grades bused to the Homecoming Pep Rally; 2:30pm Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally downtown Kensington; 6:30pm Crowning Ceremony; 7:00pm HS FB vs Logan/Palco
Sat. 12- 9:00am HS VB Hill City Tourney
Tue. 15- MS AR Party – Bowling @ Stockton; *Parent Night for the home volleyball games- 4:00pm HS VB Tri @ Kensington vs. St. John’s-Tipton and Tescott
Wed. 16- 3:15pm MS Honors Program in the auditorium @ Agra
Thur. 17- MS VB/FB @ Osborne 4:00/6:00pm
Fri. 18- No School – Teacher In Service; 7:00pm HS FB @ Wilson
Sat. 19- 9:00am NPL Tournament @ Rock Hills & Wilson
Mon. 21- PTL MS VB Tourney @ Beloit 11:00am; Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:30pm; No TR Academy
Thur. 24- 7th -12th to Christian Foundation Assembly @ Huck Boyd Center 1:30pm
Fri. 25- No School – P/T Exchange Day
Mon. 28- MS BB Begins
Halloween Fun at the Library!
The Kensington Community/School Library is hosting a Pumpkin Decorating Contest again this year. We invite the children to decorate fake pumpkins to resemble their favorite book characters. We do have foam pumpkins available for $3.00 each while supplies last. Bring your finished product and book to the library by Monday, October 21st to have on display for voting. Voting will take place through Monday the 28th.
New this year, we are inviting local organizations, businesses and churches to join us in holding a Trunk-Or-Treat event on Monday evening, October 28th. Park in the library parking lot or along the street and open your trunks from 6:30-7:30pm. Thunder Ridge Elementary also plans to parade downtown on Thursday afternoon, October 31st with around 45 kids dressed up in their costumes. If your business already plans to provide treats this day please note that Trunk-Or-Treat is optional but we’d love to have you. Do one or both! Let’s make this Halloween a great one for the kids.
Notice: Please get your news items to Erica no later than Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. News submitted after Sunday will be in the paper the following week. Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit
Weekly Inspiration
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. - Oscar Wilde
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill
It takes some courage to stand up and speak; it takes even more courage to open your mind and listen. - Unknown