News for 12/18/2019
USD110 Receives State Recognition
USD 110-Thunder Ridge Schools is proud to announce that we have been recognized by the State Board of Education and the State Education Commissioner for exceeding standards! The State Board of Education recently designed a program to recognize districts — both public school districts and private school groups — for aligning with the Kansans Can goals of improving graduation rates, post-secondary success, kindergarten readiness and social and emotional growth. State Board of Education Chair Kathy Busch said the new plan was “exciting” because it factored in several measures of student success.
The KSDE Kansans Can Star Recognition Program awards districts stars in four areas. USD110 Thunder Ridge was 1 of only 37 out of the 286 districts in the state to receive stars in all four quantitative areas assessed for 2019-2020.
High School Graduation rate - recognizes districts with graduation rates above the state average. USD 110 received a Gold Star - well above the state average in the 95% and above range.
Postsecondary effectiveness - A district must perform at or above its predicted postsecondary effectiveness rates (allowing a variance of .4). This rating looks at the percentage of graduates who either earned an industry -recognized certification, a higher education degree or continued their education two years after graduation. USD 110 received a Bronze Star for 50-59.9%.
Commissioner’s Award : recognizes those districts that outperform their predicted postsecondary effectiveness above a .40 standard deviation. USD110 received Commissioner's award with honors (1-1.99 standard deviations.)
Academically prepared for Postsecondary Success - This award recognizes those districts whose students are scoring above the state average on state assessments. Districts are recognized annually for the percentage of all students, across all grade levels scoring at levels 3 & 4 on Kansas state assessments in math, English language arts and science. USD 110 received a Copper Star (State Average-49.9%)
Beginning in 2020, districts will have the opportunity to apply for recognition in the following qualitative categories:
Social-emotional growth
Kindergarten readiness
Civic engagement
Commissioner Watson says the recognition program will allow districts to compare themselves with similar districts and determine if they are doing a good job or if there are areas they need to improve.
We are proud of Thunder Ridge students, teachers and staff!
Thunder Ridge Calendar Events
Thur. 19- MS BB in Agra vs. Lakeside 4:00pm
Fri. 20- End of 2nd Quarter; Dismiss @ 12:15 for Winter Break; HS BB vs Natoma 4:00pm
Dec. 23-31 No School – Winter Break
Jan. 1-3 No School -- Winter Break
Mon. 6- School Resumes
Tue. 7- HS BB @ Osborne 4:00pm
Wed. 8- MS Honors Program 3:15pm in Auditorium
Thur. 9- MS BB @ Southern Cloud (Glasco) 3:00pm/ lv 12:35
Sat. 11- HS Winter Formal 8:30-11:30pm
Mon. 13- MS BB in Agra vs. Natoma 4:00pm; No TR Academy
Tue. 14- HS BB @ Lakeside (Downs) 4:00pm
Wed. 15- MS In-School Spelling Bee 9:30am in Auditorium
Thur. 16- MS BB @ Rock Hills (Mankato) 4:00pm/ lv 2:30
Fri. 17- HS BB vs Wilson 4:00pm
Busy Bees Ask For Food Donations
When the Busy Bees 4-H members recite the 4-H pledge at club meetings, we are pledging “our hands to larger service”. This is a promise, which 4-H members make to give back to our communities, our country, and our world. This promise inspires members to step back from their own personal needs and give to others what we can. The Busy Bees are asking for your help and hope you will join us to spread holiday cheer to our neighbors by donating food items for the local food pantry. The Busy Bees have helped decorate a “Giving Christmas Tree” at the library in Kensington with many helping hands. Food items can be delivered to the Kensington Community/School Library and placed under the tree. The library is open late on Mondays until 7:00pm, and open Saturdays from 9am to 2pm.
Kensington Library Holiday Hours
With Christmas and New Years falling in the middle of the week, we will be closed: Tuesday, December 24 through Thursday the 26th, also January 1st and 2nd. Special hours during the USD 110 holiday break include 2-7:00pm Monday evenings and 9:00am to 2:00pm weekdays and Saturdays. Normal hours of operation will resume Monday, January 6. If you have any questions of concerns please contact Library Director, Erica Barnes, at 476-8185.
We are looking for part-time help to fill-in at the library on occasion. This would not be very many hours, mostly Monday evenings from 4-7pm or some Saturdays from 9am to 2pm. Please contact Erica Barnes if you are interested in helping at the library. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Lions Deliver Holiday Cheer
The Lions Club met recently to make cheer bags of fruit and cookies for giving this holiday season. They delivered 46 bags to wish locals a Merry Christmas
Community Center
The Kensington Senior-Community Center held their monthly potluck on Saturday, December 14th. They combined it with their Christmas party. Fourteen men and women enjoyed a delicious meal. After the meal they played a few games and had a “White Elephant” gift exchange. Afterward, some left but 8 remained to play pinochle and pitch until 4:00pm. Everyone had a great time. Those who were unable to attend were missed. Hope to see you in January! More information on a January potluck to be provided at a later date.
Mat Makers Celebrate One Year Milestone
Mat Makers met in December and realized they first met last December! In one year's time, they have delivered 48 sleeping mats to the homeless. They will meet again on Saturday, January 4, from 9-noon at the St. John Lutheran Church. If you want to crochet on your own, there is plarn (plastic yarn) already cut and rolled into balls in the church's hallway. Or if you'd rather come join the fun in person, mark your calendars for January 4!
Weekly Inspiration
Fill your mind with truth; fill your heart with love; and fill your life with service. - Thomas S. Monson
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Plato
Don't compare your Chapter 1 to someone else's Chapter 20. - Unknown
Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit