News for 5/27/2020
Lions Club Works with Smith Co. Foundation Kensington's Lions Club received a grant for $600 from the Smith County Community Foundation to be given away to a local non-profit. The club combined those dollars with $300 of their own money to donate $900 to the Kensington Food Pantry. This grant was perfectly timed since the local food pantry has been serving almost double the families the past few months due to the pandemic. Families are able to receive donated food or gift certificates to the Kensington Community Store. A big thank you to Joan Nech for writing the grant and to the many volunteers who work the food pantry. Please Consider Donating The Kensington-Thunder Ridge Alumni board decided to cancel this year’s Alumni Banquet. We truly missed this opportunity to join people together in the celebration of our time together, but we must protect each other. We have decided to support a Thunder Ridge High School graduating senior student/students with a scholarship for this year. It would be wonderful if any alumni would like to contribute to the scholarship fund to support our Thunder Ridge High School students. The scholarship/scholarships will be announced at a later date. The alumni committee is looking into honoring classes of alumni who graduated in the years ending in 0 and 1. No Summer Ball in Kensington With several teams/towns in the league bowing out and also due to the governors extension, the tball, midgets and softball leagues that TR normally participates in will NOT take place this year. Please enjoy the time with your family, get some exercise, play catch with your kids in your yard, etc. KAYS Create a New Way to Help The TR KAY Club found a new way to make a difference in their communities. Since the club couldn't donate to the Food Pantry in the traditional way of collecting food, they got creative. They held a scavenger hunt to provide a fun way to involve the local communities of the school district during this time of "stay at home". Many businesses and families participated in the weekly hunts by displaying and finding hearts, American flags, and Longhorns. The families then reported their findings and winners were announced. The first week, Gina Peak won by finding the most hearts in Kirwin. The Blank and McDowell families each won a week as well in Kensington. Corner Corral gift cards were given to those who won each week. Thank you to everyone who participated!! The KAYS also wanted to further their service so they pledged to donate to the local food pantry in recognition of those who participated in the scavenger hunt in any way. After receiving several messages and pictures of items found each week, the club gave a donation of $150 to the Kensington Food Pantry which serves the entire USD 110 school district. Back in October, the KAYS helped the food pantry the food pantry the traditional way, by collecting it.

L-R: Iva Rust, Owen Hrabe, Brennen Kirchhoff, and Reece Struckhoff

Donna Johnson helps the KAY students sort food for the food pantry. Wolf Graduates from CCCC Congratulations to Craig Wolf of Concordia, KS, son of Ron and Marlene Wolf of Kensington. He was supposed to graduate this Friday the 15th of May with an Associate of Applied Science in Renewable Energy from Cloud County Community College. Unfortunately due to the Covid-19, the graduation ceremony will not be held. Craig has been pursuing this degree as a part-time student while being employed full-time with a family at home. Craig’s wife, Amanda, and four children, Annabell, Sadye, Nola, and Albin, are very proud of him! Weekly Inspiration Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it's too late. Say what you are feeling. Waiting is a mistake. - Haruki Murakami I don't trust words. I trust vibes. People can tell you anything, but a vibe tells you everything. - Unknown ISO NEWS Send your info to Erica Barnes at with subject line: NEWS; or feel free to call 785-476-8185. For the full, in color edition, visit -- Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell) Fill your mind with truth; fill your heart with love; and fill your life with service. - Thomas S. Monson