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News for 6/2/2021 - Alumni Banquet Pictures!!!

"HOME Foundation Endowment Capital Campaign Kicks Off" The "No Place Like Home" capital campaign seeks to raise at least $250,000 by 2031 for the Kensington HOME Foundation permanent endowment. This will fund at least $10,000 of annual community grants. The Foundation has received a gift of $10,000 from John and Kim Levin to launch fundraising efforts. They have also made a matching challenge of $15,000 in honor of Evelyn and memory of Arnold "Tarzan" Levin. The board needs your help to ensure we get the entirety of the matching funds. Please contact Adam Synoground for more information or to make a donation. Kensington Library We are now on summer break hours. We will be open 2-7pm on Mondays and 9am-2pm Tuesday through Saturday. Also, our Summer Reading Programs will begin the second week of June. Come enjoy “Tails and Tales” with us! Pre-K to 1st grades will meet on Tuesdays, and 2nd-5th grades on Thursdays @ 10:00am, starting June 8th/10th. Please note we are bumping up the time to 10:00am to try and avoid scheduling conflicts with swimming lessons. Plan for 6 weeks of stories, crafts, and learning activities. The final days will be July 13 & 15. Like us on Facebook! Kensington Community/School Library or visit Weekly Inspirations 10 Tips To Make You Spend Your Time And Money More Wisely 1. Learn to clean as you go. You will save many hours. 2. Grocery shop after a meal. When you’re hungry, everything looks delicious and you end up spending too much. 3. If you don’t need something, don’t buy it. 4. Time is becoming ever elusive in today’s society. Learn to multitask. Pay bills on the train ride to work, listen to lectures while doing housework, see all your friends at the same time and catch up with them all at once. 5. When you’re in a good mood, don’t make promises! When that good mood goes away, that promise will be hard to follow through with. 6. If it takes less than two minutes, do it now. 7. Always sleep well. More time spent out of focus and unproductively is never as good as shorter, efficient time. 8. Being healthier doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend more time and money. Take the stairs, eat fruit instead of candy, add honey instead of sugar. 9. Smile at strangers. It will brighten up their day and yours too. 10. Don’t let a second go by wasted. Find a passion, a person, or a goal to live for. News items needed Send your news to Erica at (put NEWS in the subject line please) or call 785-476-8185. To see the full, in-color edition, visit the Kensington website online at -- Erica Barnes Library Director; K-3 & HS Librarian Kensington Community/School Library 785-476-2219 or 8185 (cell)

Class of 1946

Eulonda Dettmer Hagman, Alice Brunow Rietzke

Class of 1955

Orval Lee Walker, Colleen Ratliff Gale, Back Ila Diercks Walker, Kenneth Ratliff, Shirley Miller Hartman, Carolyn Gemaehlich Billings

Class of 1956 Karen Schoeni Pollock

Class of 1961

Joe Schalansky, Teddie Broudrie Brent, Shirley Grauerholz Smith, Janet Bohm Hermans, Marvin Mann

Class of 1966 Mary Freeman Arment, Jerry Knight

Class of 1970 - **In Alphabetical order per school listing

Robert Beckman, Nadine Beckman Hayden, Mark Beinhoff, Donna Bronson Kreutiziger, Janeen Brunow Wallgren, Jon Duncan, Luann Ferguson Wilson, JoAnn Gaines Rice, Janet Gaines Hosmann, Bonnie Hudson Slavik, Dianna Kuhlman Rice, Gary Norden, Kathy Shockley Pierce, Dail Smith, Bart Wagner, Patricia Wolf Marcuso, Cindy True Wagner

Class of 1971- **In Alphabetical order per school listing Paul Anderson, Rick Baumann, Dixie Bronson Rietzke, Kathy Conaway Tilton, Dale Gemaehlick, Kathy Grauerholz Scobee, Rodney Hagman, Stan Miller, Jerald Ratliff, Jerry Rietzke, Sandy Rust Tuxhorn, Carolyn Vohs Johnson, Ruth Wachs Hammer, Linda Wangerin Imhoff, Beverly Wolf Mills, Suzanne Wangerin Faulkner

Class of 1981 Back Gary Fraser, Connie Norden Ortgies, Greg Billings, Ron Wolf, Troy Hardacre, Tom James, Brad Hilbrink Front Connie Ferguosn McNabb, Julie Grauerholz, Lisa Rust James, Stacey Smith

Class of 1985 Jim Struckhoff, David Stephens, Martin Seemann, Darrin Arment,Denise Rice Werner, Michelle Krein Hynes, Chris Grauerholz Kirchhoff

Class of 1990 BJ Westbrook, Tara Wagenblast Seemann, Jeffrey Gibson

Class of 1991 Byron Grauerholz, Trisha Baetz Struckhoff, Kristine Osthoff, Stephanie Arment

Class of 2001

Adam Synground, Jennifer Detwiler Dodds, Misti Johnson-Olthoff, Kyle Hesterman

Class of 2006

Staci Bertholf Foreman, Trent Hesterman, Renee Nonamaker

Class of 2021 Raini Hrabe- Scholarship winner from Alumni , Jacob Barnes, Mark Ferguson, Jonathan Ferguson-Scholarship winner, Maycee Westbrook

Adam Synground 20 yr class host

Jennifer Detwiler Dodds 20 yr class host

Entertainment- Galen Larson, Jacob Barnes, Annie Addams, Mark Ferguson, Dave Hutson Songs and jokes were performed (a Joke was being said in this pic)

Class of 2021 TR announcing scholar winner MC Carolyn Vohs Johnson--Winner Raini Hrabe and Jonathan Ferguson


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